Lex Group

Find the maximum information about other Members accident – name, license plate number, place of residence, place of employment, marital status (by the way, a good way to explore), phone number, insurance company, medical institution, where victims were taken away (I hope you do not need this) 10. Set – what rights the driver in the car, the right of control or ownership of 11. Listen to your state of health, if the other parties or witnesses Accident was taken to hospital, then maybe you should go there? Maybe you are not able to adequately assess his physical condition? can you feel bad? “- and you can not give the police employee currently explanation. 12. When the traffic incident is best to enlist the support of friends who will immediately go to the place of accident, and if you need to go to the hospital, they watch how the traffic police are examined, as is recorded. 13. Advances in modern technology – will you helpers and in this situation – do not forget to arrange a casting “Who is guilty?” Among the participants an accident, with the photo – and video footage. 14.

Look at the site is documents, money bags (you never know what might happen in the confusion), whether the car is not quite kitchen knives and other prohibited items (you never know where to go with the car accident scene) 15. Sound an alarm if a participant in serious accident injury or death – it is not a joke, but a professional matter, urgently looking for a specialist, right this very second, when they realized the possibility of professional prosecution. 16. Be kept, do not react aggressively at anyone – can tomorrow, for you must be a truce, and articles about incontinence in the domestic legislation is not enough, do not use physical force to persons who show aggression towards you. 17. If your car is caught or Cossack was scratched, and my grandfather behind the wheel, be merciful to old age and poverty, most likely a lawsuit in this situation, you either material or moral satisfaction will not do. Do not waste nervous system over trifles. And I, in turn, wish you were surrounded by only a pleasant event. Be cautious and careful on the roads! And we will try to warn you from missteps and help make the right steps to a successful and comfortable life.