For Pellegrine

For Nusdeo (2000) the economy consists of a social science that studies the laws of logistic production and consumption of goods and services, resultant of the relation enters the limitless necessities to satisfy and to the available resources. Ahead of this perspective the tourism assumes the aspect of a necessity human being if to satisfy to one definitive price, thus establishing a relation between tourism and economy, beyond the eventual economic, resultant oscillation of the activity. Being the economic context determinative factor in the market laws, that can modify the relations of the receiving communities, tending the tourist phenomenon to a impactante nature. For Pellegrine (2000) all effect of alteration in the way or some of its components consists of an impact and needs to be treated as such. as well as the Lage et. al (2000) the present article make reference to reference the impacts of the tourism, classifying them in economic or social, identifying to the positive aspects and negative associates to the development of the tourism in the receiving communities, problematic face to the growth of the activity, that according to World-wide Organization of the Tourism (2009) grows 4.2% to the year since 2000, and approximately mobilizes an income of US$ 5 trillions, to the pressure exerted on the social and economic resources, as well as the increasing importance as verge source, for the economy of the receiving community. The complexity of the relation between the residents and the tourists in an interrelation context enters the individuals in a society with extension to the receptividade ethics and for the management of conflicts it elapses of the different social coexistences and economic, it discloses the relevancy to one analyzes social and economic of the resultant impacts of the activity. This article meets structuralized previously in a presented introduction that it induces the reader to the subject of article it justifies the relevancy of the inclusion of the survey of social and economic impacts, after that it appraises economy and tourism, in accordance with identifies, classifies and presents impacts of the tourism describing them the perspective of the different authors analyzed in the present research and later it presents a conclusion detaching the aspects central offices of the study, to the necessity of if considering the social and economic impacts in a process of planning supported of the tourism in the receiving communities where the consequences of the activity happen positively or negative on the receiving population, had as main protagonists of the tourism place, without which the tourism if would not develop, being of vital importance the integration of public and private sector, as well as the participation of the local residents in favor of the development of the tourism of sustainable form.

Functional Strategy

This ministry is represented in the territory for ten (10) companies and eleven (11) basic units of domestic companies based in the capital. For the selection of companies under study used a non-probability sampling or trial, whichever is the ten (10) companies, due to its size, nature of their production and commercial production volumes, had the most important role in the results economic sector. As a result of the study, in selected companies, were able to identify some common characteristics and problems. These results indicate a low innovative behavior and poor development of GTI-mechanical sector Villa Clara, which the confidentiality of the information is presented only in aggregate (all companies and in percentage terms), without showing the name entities, although come to general conclusions, all of which are summarized as follows: a Of the total sample, only has all the information requested within four (4) entities (40%). General information on innovation is the greatest difficulty is to obtain it.

Here are some facts, but it is recognized that are not relevant. Generally, this is a difficulty that is manifested either by the unavailability of the information requested because it does not have areas of R & D projects and / or there is a lack of knowledge managers with issues ranging from the GTI, occurring in the information system of these entities are not registered concepts such as innovation expenditure, revenue from innovation, and so on. a Almost all of-eight (8) companies (80%) – manage innovation activities and operationally reactive, so the GTI is not a functional strategy in the Company.

For Fernandez

Management must be very vigilant about how they have established production processes, their operability, functionality, realmentea what is expected of them. Take into account also, as indicated by Jose Calderon Vazquez, a that the process is designed for a single global product or service, has an external client or internal to the organization that is the one reception the product or service within or outside companies. Therefore, the inputs or processes consist of imputs, ie the inputs, and outputs, results achieved by the standards of quality expected for the process, along with a control system that evaluates the performance of the process and the degree of customer satisfaction (Lee Nebro Toro and Mellado, 1998). Fernandez de Velasco (1996) indicates trachea a process is a set of activities the product creates an intrinsic value to the user or customer, defining where the idea of value creation appears to be dominant.

Add a Calderon, by processes focuses the issue in the management of activities that generate value to the product or service provided to the client, the basic difference with traditional management techniques is that these respond to how things are done within a particular business organization, ie the definition of models or patterns of operation directed toward the interior of the business organization, defining a series of tasks and specialized activities, while process management part of the consideration for whom things are done and what it is doing. For Fernandez de Velasco (1996), the basic purpose of the Process management is simply to increase corporate profitability through the achievement of higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Domestic Economy

To be but precise, it continues it taking. And in our human, enthusiastic and by all means fallible opinion, it seems to us that those expectations, could take to great frustrations in the future immediate, as they are already doing it in our present. It has already been verified as the socialist utopia of the total industrial use finished. The group of the Seven (G.7), in his last meeting had like main point of his agenda unemployment. That is to say, that in the present and at least in the medium term, the market economy does not assure the total industrial use either. On this assumption it is that we understand that the implantation of the market economy, whose supposed we share, must be complemented inescapably, with alternative modalities, like that one of the Domestic Economy, today much more viable that long ago, by the exponential development of science and the technology, and by mainly by the qualification levels which the granted educative system to the present Argentine generations, which puts in capacity and aptitude to apply the fruits of the technological scientific development.

And here, emphasis has to become in the concept of " Apropiada&quot technology;. Since all technology is not applicable to the Domestic Economy. An suitable diffusion of appropriate technologies for the Domestic Economy, has as reference frame a model of society signed by the creativity, the decentralization and the creativity. DOMESTIC ECONOMY, SOCIAL PREVENTION APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT By Alfredo Lawyer Arming Aguirre IIda. and It completes part In order to make viable so