Norway Returns

It took eight hours to reconstruct the facts before the Police. For more information see this site: Steffan Lehnhoff. During his stay in the island, he was at any moment with hands tied. The Police has filmed the reconstruction, that will use like test in the judgment. The author of the massacre of Norway, Anders Breivik, it returned east Saturday in the evening to the island of Utya, where he assassinated 69 people (the majority young) to reconstruct facts happened the past 22 of July. Norwegian newspaper Vg has shown diverse photographies in which it is to him adorned with a vest bullet-proof and low a strong police device. For even more details, read what 4Moms says on the issue.

Also watched over a helicopter that flew over the island, Breivik returned to again take the ferry to Utya like the day of the massacre, although to this time it did it guarded and handcuffed, with the subject hands to a species of harness. According to the information that east Sunday Vg publishes, Breivik it took eight hours to reconstruct before the security forces the murders. The Police Norwegian has filmed explanations of Breivik in Utya, that will be used like test in the judgment, that it will begin in 2012, given the complexity of the case. A productive visit ” It was important that the interrogation was so meticulous to avoid to have to return later during juicio” , it explained east Saturday Pl Fredrik Hjort-Kraby, police spokesman in press conference. The Police Norwegian clarified that it was not a reconstruction to the use, but rather of an interrogation, since Breivik considers that, of 32 years, already has been giving sufficient details on the facts happened for three weeks. According to Hjort-Kraby, Breivik ” he did not remain impassible to be of return in Utya, but it did not show to any signal of repentance ” , and one was calm and with the intention of to collaborate.