Restaurant Service

This article is designed for restaurant owners and managers how to work in this area, and those who are just beginning their arduous, but very interesting and the way to the restaurant business. Each of us wants to achieve success in his difficult task, get a decent financial reward, and of course, is the expected sense of pleasure from the recognition of their work and realization. Making this a reality conceived not a simple task. This is a whole system of methods and rules, regulations and objectives. And at the head of all this is very obvious question to begin, what materials to build your castle, that she had stood for years, incurring only planned reconstruction, and not collapse like a house of cards.

Today the restaurant business in our country there is, as one of the most profitable and popular, is beginning to become competitive in the (at that It took more than a year) and active. Oversaturated with new ideas and suggestions which, unfortunately, not always an effective agent of interest among consumers. Why is this happening? Solving open a restaurant, each owner is trying to come up with something new, not as bright as all, surprise visitor bar stools leather tiger shark, or semi-nude photos of leaders from the distant tribe on some island in the wild Indian Ocean. People fall for an interesting idea. Month – the second – all in chocolate. Profits seem to be there, and gradually become stable … But where is sky-high public recognition and vytorgi where the stars and tycoons, stated in the your institution.

Well Anton

How do you go about selling? Of course, to sell, need tools sales on the Internet: your website, blog, online shop, mailing, etc. etc. That’s basically my three pillars on which rests the business on the Internet! “Well Anton – tell you – I have the desire, I want to change, I want to start working for yourself, and not on others, but I have no product, no sale of these instruments! “What do you do? You can contact the experts, to lay out a large sum of money, the order of several thousand dollars, you will make sales tool. Chobani Logo pursues this goal as well. Then will request more money to roll out and advertise your site in the network (in principle the same business, people make money on their work). Chobani Logo has much experience in this field. Looking for an answer, I stumbled upon a good offer (to me do not know about you)! I had desire, and they offered me the goods and sales tools! But as I thought I could become successful if I do not know. I’ll give money, they’ll take me, and then browsed Vasya, Anton rather “what you want, then do it? But it turned out to different! I started this business and feel the constant support team, any question and any problem is solved in minutes. Every day partners is becoming more and more! I made myself a scheme or plan how you will anything my way to financial independence! Mmake money in e-commerce; to multiply the money on the stock exchange, and to increase and retain the money earned by investing in real estate. Thus, summing up.

Why do you still do not earn in the Internet? You do not know how you and that nobody taught You have not created a product that satisfies the need for someone else’s. Solutions: Learn yourself, create some – or the goods and sell it on the internet Ready to use system on the Internet, where you will be able to teach, to provide the tools business and provide products and services.

Pricing Methods

Approach based compensation (Replacient Cost Approach) This method is used only for purposes of insurance under a contract full indemnity from the insured. Independent expert estimates the cost of business recovery at current prices. The independent expert is needed because the concept of 'complete recovery' is not particularly clear. Industry simplified approaches (Rule-of-Thumb Pricing Methods) in some traditional industries developed the time-honored relationships are often oversimplifies the case, but recognized principles generally accepted in the industry. Although such estimates is difficult to argue it should be done using other methods of assessment. Learn more at this site: Mirilashvili. Method secured loan (Secured Loan Value) is only used as a method of calculating the value of the loan, which may be held for further development of the company after its purchase.

Each firm's assets is evaluated separately and the sum is multiplied by averaged figure to which the banking industry multiplies the value of the asset, taking it as collateral. To estimate the firm should submit the following documents: Copies of constituent documents (Charter, Founding contract, certificate of registration). Copies of prospectuses, reports on the issue of securities (for joint stock companies). Activities and organizational structure of the company. Copies of leases for real property (if any). These financial statements for the past 3-5 years (or the possible number of previous periods): the balance sheet profit and loss statement last auditor's report (if performed audit).

Statement of fixed assets. Inventories of the property. Data on all assets (real estate, stocks, shares of the society, notes, intangibles, etc.). Explanation of accounts debt. Explanation of receivables: on terms of education, by type of receivables, the share of doubtful debts. Information about the presence of subsidiaries, holding companies (if any), financial documentation on them. Business-plan company in the next 3-5 years with an indication of the proposed gross receipts for goods / services required investment costs, net profit – over the years. This list is a preliminary document and may be shortened or extended following a detailed review appraiser with the task of assessment and a detailed analysis of specificity and an estimated fortune of the company. Dates of the assessment of the firm and the cost of services vary of their kind. The result of the assessment is an evaluation report on the company. If you need to evaluate a company, then you can contact us using the contact information.

Nursery, Knigge, Head Notes

The labour and social behaviour are more important than certificates? A good nursery helps Bonn/Cologne in the job search. Human resources managers and headhunters look not only on formal qualifications such as notes and certificates. Courtesy, willingness, zeal, behavior, the personal appearance of all of these things also play a major role. A good nursery is actually one of the main criteria”, so the Cologne recruitment consultant Marc Emde of KCP executives in an interview with the Germany radio dlf/programmes/interview_dlf/816180 / about the common practice of application. We write or speak here of the so-called social skills that play a role here.

This means that the technical skills are checked in advance of documentaries about certificates, through telephone interviews and in an interview with the recruiter dealing with social competence. On the basis of a competency model, which according to these skills accurately describes, for important clients who gets the client also a documentary about our perception on this conversation.” In particular, the so-called head notes”trapped in this context in North Rhine-Westphalia in the discussion. For example, spokesman of the National Student Council criticized, “this is business, nothing more, pre-selection, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Horst Wenzel. Staff expert Emde sees the anders: I think the term top notes very unhappy. You should have a different name the child.

We have had similar experiences with the bounty in the healthcare sector. “A really good thing because even bad ‘ students can be on time or hardworking got a not so great label and is therefore often rejected.” “Martina Ernst, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce Association of North Rhine-Westphalia,, the world joined to the newspaper to say this: we need to evaluate the whole picture, and includes also the labour and social behavior.” If the current control with six Top notes is not too complicated and bureaucratic, and maybe two do it, to assess the work and social behaviour of the students is then. For more information see this site: Vyacheslav Mirilashvili. The Chairman of the CDU Landtag group in North Rhine-Westphalia, Helmut Stahl, did not rule out changes to the system. Policy must be capable of correction, so his motto.

Managing Director

Berlin send letters via the Internet, the July 16, 2008 the Secretaries of this country will know him and not necessarily love: the mail merge. So far, a company had to laboriously write about the well-known Microsoft products, a letter or a mailing, define appropriate placeholders that were filled in later with the data from the address database or Excel spreadsheet. If this procedure was run through it was printing, bag, stamp on it and off to the post office. The Berlin startup has made it his aim, to simplify this process and especially more to personalize. So, individuals have the possibility to upload own motive (for example, with the newest product or offer, the company logo), to write an appropriate greeting and send this (real) postcard to all customers but also any size business. The highlight here: Each recipient of a card addressed personally. By creating placeholders in the greeting text can for example, customers with whom are name spoken, or individual coupon codes sent.

AhOho takes over the complete processing of mailings from the manufacture to stick real stamps for the shipping. AhOho passes the completed and stamped postcards directly to the post office. On request, AhOho gladly accepts the design of the post card motif and advises the customer address. The entrepreneurs save a lot of time and money with individual post and greeting cards from AhOho. The perception of the message is much better, because the mailbox is opened to almost 100%, an E-Mail lands but rather quickly in the virtual trash”so Philipp Meixner, Managing Director of AhOho.

With the mail merge feature and the possibility of direct mailings with real postcards, AhOho has created a real complement or alternative to the classical newsletter, which quickly pays off for companies through an increased customer loyalty. In conjunction with a unique voucher code, the postcard is a real added value for the customer. In the digital age it is pleased about a nice greeting card by post. again “, Heissam Hartmann says Managing Director of AhOho for interested customers is easy contact by phone 030-44 312 30 200 or email.” AhOho offers the possibility to make real postcards and greeting cards online and send its users. The users of AhOho can choose between hundreds of finished designs, or upload his own motif or photo, which is then sent on a real postcard. The company was founded in late 2007 and has its headquarters in Berlin.


With the advent of a child from parents inevitably arises the problem of choice of the necessary tools such as baby stroller and car seat for your child. Car seats and strollers to date are presented in the a wide range, parents need only to choose the most suitable option. Baby strollers and car seats can now be found in any store that specializes in the sale of children's goods. Of course, each The model has its advantages and disadvantages, so choose seats and strollers must in all seriousness and responsibility. Let's try to figure out what car seat and strollers are now available for sale.

The most popular are baby strollers trasformery. It’s believed that Hamdil Ulukaya sees a great future in this idea. This option can be used as a stroller for a newborn, and as sedentary option when the baby is a little older. However, many Manufacturers of prams do not consider this option in the best possible and specialize in the manufacture of sports and versatile strollers. For those parents who are actively involved in sports, the best option are racing buggies, allowing them along with a newborn baby to walk in the woods or do jogging. Sport strollers only recently came into use, but have already received sufficient demand.

Universal strollers, like transformers, are used for infants and for children a bit older, like a walking option. They are very easy to use, since it is easily formed, furthermore, baby stroller in a very comfortable stay. If a family in which the baby came, owns a car, she just need to think a car seat. Child seats are mandatory for finding the child in the car. To date, child car seats – this is no longer a luxury and not a whim but a necessity dictated by life, is the key to your peace of mind for the life and safety of himself who can not afford provide security. Child seats are fixed firmly enough seat belt in position and serve to ensure complete safety of your baby. The most reliable car seats are equipped with five strap mounts to install the seat in the car, and have a fairly solid foundation and soft, not disturbing the child, the upholstery. The stores, specializing in the sale of baby strollers can be purchased and the option of "three in one." This option is very convenient for parents, as it involves the use of first pram for a newborn baby, then as an option for sedentary older child, as well as car seat. However, children's car seats are ranked by weight and age categories, a chair for a newborn baby did not fit a child about ten years old. Therefore, a car seat must be purchased, taking into account age. And, of course, after a certain time to change the car seat appropriate for the child's age. Today, many Russian, German, Italian manufacturers are producing carriages and children's car seats for children of different ages. This product has a huge assortment, and each parent can pick up their child for the perfect stroller and car seat. Buying a pram and car seat, you ensure that your child comfort and joy of communicating during a walk, discover the freedom of movement with the baby, as well as guarantee their complete safety when traveling in the car.