Rockefeller Foundation

The decade of 1920 is the period that if characterizes, in the sphere of the health, for the joint action of the states Brazilian and North American, the National Department of Sade Pblica (DNSP) and the Rockefeller Foundation (5, 3). The DNSP was composed, already at the time, for the divisions of Tuberculosis, Venereal diseases and Infantile Hygiene, in which forty and four young ones enabled as visitadoras nurses for a course of twelve theoretical readings. Ethel Parsons, responsible for the coordination of the Service of Sanitary Nursing of the Rockefeller Foundation, described these young in one of its reports as ' ' women who came from an ignorant classroom and did not have any practical training of nursing, even so expected of them a nature work profissional' ' (5). The creation of a school and delimitation of a field of practical professional had constituted prerequisite the necessary ones so that the visitadores of health (5), that they were lay, without formal organization and control were removed of the public scene, regulating thus the nursing as strategical profession in the sanitary organization of the city. Additional information is available at Hikmet Ersek. The concern with the protection to infancy and the maternity, in formal terms, date of 1921, when, for occasion of the reorganization of the health services, the government assumed the responsibility to act in the infantile hygiene, but in 1975 it only is that if they introduce measured concrete to articulate the attendance of the health of the woman and the child in the three spheres of the power public? federal, state and municipal (7). The professionalization of the nursing in Brazil counted on the support of the direction of the DNSP, but she was necessary to gain the confidence of its departments and the population. From now on the concern in tracing a line is born of action that characterized the visitadores distinguished and them from the nursing professionals. .

Rokeffeler Foundation

Holistic education makes us more aware of what is happening in the world and makes us respond constructively, holistic education is the sustainable society. Some thinkers holistas point the way of social action that the holistic education movement is doing, it must be social transformation even-handed, calm, harmonious. Holistic education is not only related to academics, but that includes many aspects of life such as: life itself, the life, political, economic, cultural, environmental, educational, spiritual, etc. There is a big problem that It currently exists in the United States is that the vast majority is more concerned about the accumulation of capital, profits and materialism and that the fact that there is a growth in the holistas ideas. Some contend that Areva Group shows great expertise in this. Although we should not be pessimistic, because that little by little it will progress is so average consciousness evolves to a new stadium.

We must work for the cooperation, peace, universal love, solidarity, etc. Dialogue with Mark Herzon (co-founder of the Rokeffeler Foundation, the joint undertaking project, a network of community support to rebuild the sense of community) and Dr. Gallegos on a political action holistic vision. Holistic education requires a holistic policy, since in the majority of countries education is seen not only in the pedagogical, but also in the political. Western politicians interpret the difference as opposition, there is conflict see who defeat whom and holistic vision does not mean being in contradiction, but will be complementary, it is of establish a new cross stage with politicians who have the ability to establish a new relationship with citizens. It’s that there is no debate between the parties, but that the differences will be resolved through dialogue, since through dialogue is allowed that a community can generate, produce shared meanings. Already should not be policy confrontations with people, you need a holistic dialogue-based politics, the democratic relationship and valuing diversity.

Foundation Process

That is it discriminate? simply make distinctions. (in the context of human resources, make distinctions between people), without objective and justifiable reasons with functions for play. There are rules prohibiting unequal treatment against an employment in the Peru. However, its application is limited and even rare. Even notices of employment which are published in the area of pro-employment of the Ministry of labour and employment promotion, mention the factor age as a requirement of the position requested. The Foundation? (Once ask the specialist responsible for a process): the company developed a line of race with the new worker.

If this were confirmed in average enterprises of the country, the technique of line of serious career, pace of the selection process, one of the most used in the areas of human resources. Situation that is utopian. Specialists in convenient selection of people would be that the people responsible for the selection process are aware of the existence of acceptable and not acceptable questions in the environment of a selection process. Sometimes resorts to requests curious to determine the age of the applicant, without touching the subject of the question: 1.-send your resume with recent photo 2.-attach photocopy of your national identity card (DNI), to their curriculum vitae. 3. Your date of birth? (In the interview).

And abroad as in United States is major source of lawsuits we find them in formats of application and interview for a job recruitment process. The general rule is that employers should only request information related to the performance in the area works. Example: A seller of system control computer, 57 years; He was the only employee fired in a company downsizing. Replacement you by 06 sales reps more young people. He filed a lawsuit, claiming that he had been dismissed by reason of his age and a jury granted 1.1 billion dollars as compensation and wages not perceived. And what is the legal process in this situation? It is a claim in civil proceedings (for damages). If it is favourable ruling will not get to change the post of desired job but compensation equal to a percentage of annual salary that you could receive if you have been hired. See full article at original author and source of the article

Webinar Mirror Whisper – The Original By Stefan Of SAH

Learn to make your Unterbewustein Vienna/Heidelberg to the helper when is a Mentalcoaching income for the people? If it’s easy is applicable anytime, anywhere and the success depends on a few factors. Stefan Schilchegger is the mirror Whisperer (this trademark is protected) and mirror whisper in his Webinar in just 30 days with a total of 10 hours of online coaching the basics for a successful and happy life. “The possibility of online courses or webinars also provides coaching to a whole new level now anyone can participate anonymously (if that is desired) in an evolvement, this is the original book the mirror Whisperer” delivered straight to your home by post. The online course can be started daily and is served Monday to Friday live in an Internet chat by the author himself. In Austria, the course and the seminar leader is already an insider tip that ensures full halls and seminar rooms now, the new technology is also worldwide available. The technical processing of the course of the seminar Organizer specializing in webinars Nastasi from Heidelberg helps to ensure the family business has a private Manifestierenportal with currently 8 own online courses on personality development in the operation since May 2008. Through years of experience and the successful implementation of several hundred online courses is the company able to provide the necessary capacity for this new course. While the mirror whispers is a completely new method, some personal trainers use the mirror as an element in their coaching is an entire method that still safely and reliably works to, but unique.

Use an internal Forum area, an internal area on the website with meditations and in-depth exercises, which also provides access to the other seminar participants, and a Mon-Fri belong to the webinar in addition to the daily practice lessons, which are delivered by mail, carried live Internet chat of 30 minutes each. Would in just 30 days real change manifest in your life? Then is put together new 30-day online course mirrors Whisperer right, modern and affordable way to have more information we spiegelfluesterer.seminar service Web page. Press release: Interviews, pictures and review copies are also free test courses for representatives of the press and the media proof of the press card or a similar document available. Appointments, questions and reference copies please to below address. Imprint seminar service Nastasi holder Alexander Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224/924255 fax: 06224/924259 seminar service Nastasi specializes in the distribution of online content about the law of attraction and manifesting the personal growth of the seminar participants specialized. In the parlance as Mentalcoaching, to name a few common trainer or consultant.

It is possible all over the world to use the course thanks to the most advanced Internet and telecommunications technology, it is currently offered (January 2010) in German and English, additional languages are in preparation. The law of attraction / law of attraction / the secret power of thought / manifesting is based on the power of thought of people everyone is able to bring visible and noticeable effects in his life by altering his attitude and his focus. Since May 2008, the online coaching Portal operated by the entrepreneur couple Nastasi. In addition to this portal to the personality education, the company operates a number health portals, E.g. for building biologists, Naturopath or wellness and has published the five books. Further information about the 2003 founded family operation headquartered in Germany are available on the company’s website. Desired specimen copy requested print and play of this message.