Financial Crisis

Tears of a people can be heard in the street, with the economic cris, that we face no doubt in Honduras, the stock market, is practically non-existent, we can not evaluate our businesses through the S & P 500 or the Dow Jones, but we just need to go out into the streets and see the number of people looking for employment, soaring delinquency rateswhere they are the alternatives that are left to the people of Honduras?, while exports are affected by the rupture of relations with some countries, curfews, closures of borders and airports, decrease in remittances and cancellation of aid that have caused that various projects sponsored by the BECIE, IDB, FM, have been canceled or are at least unemployed, expectations can have of the Honduran economy?, if even the category of country risk is diminishing, according to the Fict Reating, our economic indicators are already aimed, it seems that at least for this year the crisis policy will inevitably reflected in GDP, and committed economic growth rates, return of the currency will be inevitable, or at least one inflation that left hungry to the micro and medium-sized enterprises, who works with the stomach vacuum why is this consumed in spending their working capital. The Chamber of Commerce and industries of Tegucigalpa was calculated in US$ 100 million economic losses in the country during the month of July, because of the roads Sockets, closing of borders and decay of the commercial activity by the political instability of the nation. And we must also add the month of August and our chaotic September. To date they have lost around 180 000 jobs, as the effect of the global crisis and the political situation, and the most affected cities are Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. The tourism sector not be to left to after showing missed, not seen since 1998 when Hurricane Mich. Private banking also sighted affected, since in view of the crisis customers have decided to withdraw their savings and in many cases don’t pay their debts. Currently curfews continue, Mel Zelaya continued locked in the Brazil Embassy and Micheletti in closed in Honduras, since he has no visa and is not recognized by most countries, bad decisions are still taken. Hondurans unite us, by us, by our country does not stop that from sinking the boat.