Legislative Act Number

The members of the Public Force will not be able to exert the function of the suffrage while they remain active in good condition, nor to take part in activities or political debates of parties or movements. ARTICLE 220. The members of the Public Force cannot be private of their degrees, honors and pensions, but in the cases and of the way that the Law determines. ARTICLE 221. The crimes committed by the members of in good condition active the public force, and in relation to the same service, Cortes Martial or Courts will know Military, in accordance with the prescriptions of the Military Penal Code. Such Cortes or Courts will be integrated by members of the Public Force in good condition active or in retirement. Read additional details here: crowne plaza rosemont. (Modified by Legislative Act Number 2 of 1995) ARTICLE 222. The law will determine the systems of professional, cultural and social promotion of the members of the Public Force.

In the stages of its formation, the education of the foundations of the democracy and the human rights will be distributed to them. ARTICLE 223. Only the Government can introduce and make arms, the ammunition military and explosives. Nobody will be able to own them nor to carry them without permission of the competent authority. This permission will not be able to extend to the cases of concurrence to political meetings, elections, or sessions of public corporations or assemblies, or to act in them or to be present at them. The armed members of the national organisms of security and other official bodies, of character permanent, created or authorized by the law, will be able to carry arms under the control of the Government, in accordance with the principles and procedures that one indicates.