Shipping Rate

While the end of the newsletter includes the “if you want to be removed …” a legal matter, it is advisable to test that it works and not to forget, because it is very annoying to receive junk mail, and we are certainly not interested in who wants to be removed from the list and save traffic and time (and cost). 3. Images in the mail, like this post, the news does not have to have images stuck with MS Outlook or other mail client, since only give weight to the mail. Instead they may include images using a reference to your website. This will not fill the box or hamper their receptors download. 4.

Colors and letters is important to maintain levels of reading is important and not. Bigger not always mean better: leave an email within the boundaries of legibility and size of the receptor will facilitate the task of reading the mail and make it more pleasant and cordial. Use headings with a font size and color can make different designs, but as fair and using a complementary palette. 5. Depending on the mail content which is the target receptor and wants to communicate, the content of emails can be a price list, a promotion or an interesting text on some of their field. The best way to reason it is taking the side of the receiver and analyze what that “me” may be of interest and that is what I can bother. 6.

Shipping Rate In general, once a week is far more reasonable, although not a recipe unequivoca. Each item and target have different profiles. Talk to your customers! no one better than they know what they want. 7. I can send myself a newsletter from now! although it is armed by a professional, the better. The use of distribution lists is a very powerful and very economical in relation costo-beneficio/costo for effective impact. In DarkBlue design templates to send newsletters using our servers: many already know and benefit from it, contact us. We have a proposal according to the measure of your business. Above all things, the newsletter is a way to stay connected to their customers. A message is a courtesy, two are concerned, three … a nuisance. Use but not abuse.

Major Currencies

We are pleased to have these once again with a webinar taught by Ideasforex, on this occasion Carlos will be teaching us to identify the different types of gaps that occur in the market and determine their meaning For those interested in learning about how to identify Gaps can enter this link to. Greetings to all and hope Date: Thursday December 11, 2008, 7:15 AM CDT The daily analysis Copyright 2008, Core Financial Group, Inc.. and Jason Alan Jankovsky All Rights Reserved. Night view Asia / Europe The dollar was lower The operating volumes were low The stock market was firm The day's events All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) USD Trade Balance 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. USD Unemployment Claims 8:30 a.m. USD Import Prices m / m 10:35 a.m. USD Natural Gas Storage For Friday times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 8:30 a.m.

USD Core Retail Sales m / m 8:30 a.m. USD PPI m / m 8 : 30am USD Retail Sales m / m 8:30 a.m. USD Core PPI m / m 9:55 a.m. UOM USD Consumer Sentiment 9:55 a.m. Preliminary Inflationary Expectations USD UOM Preliminary 10:00 a.m. USD Business Inventories m / m The greenback was under pressure in the morning, and reached new lows during the night. At the beginning of the session in New York, the greenback reached lows against most currencies, in what was a technical trade. In the EURO were observed active bids, New York recorded highs in the 1.3232 area, and the lowest in the Asian session in the 1.3000 area.