Advisory Board Electronic

Objective of the Working Group is the dissemination of electronic transactions in Berlin 09.06.2010: digitisation has already since many years feeding in the judiciary. Administrative procedures for managing the files and to the support of legal and judicial activities are impossible to imagine from the everyday life of a lawyer. Also the possibility of electronic communication with the courts is made in the last few years and almost nationwide available. The expected added value and the benefits of a paperless handling of files through have not materialized but so far starting position. Background for the development process in stalled is that the increasing digitization not only forces the judiciary and Prosecutor’s Office to reconsider traditional procedures and to redesign, it raises a variety of technical and therefore correlated legal issues affecting sometimes the self understanding of the judiciary as the third power and judicial independence. Objective of the E-justice working group composed of representatives of the Justice, to analyse one of the problem areas resulting from the digitization process of the Prosecutor’s Office and employees of solution providers and IT services providers, which themselves have made it to the target, and to develop joint solution proposals. So the Working Group engaged in, for example, the field of tension between judicial independence and the trend toward standardization and centralization of IT applications, as well as with innovative ideas for furnishing courtrooms.

Activities of these and other topics are also the content of the meetings of the Advisory Board, which is convened to design the held each year during the Xinnovations Conference E-justice forum and consists of members of the Working Group and other experts of the practice and the science. In addition, the working group information sessions organized to promote the dissemination of electronic transactions. Spokesman of the Working Party as speaker of the Working Group could win the Board of Directors of the Xinnovations e.V. Mr Ulrich Schwenkert. Mr. Schwenkert took his 1993 judicial activity at the Finanzgericht of des Landes Brandenburg, was responsible for the introduction of electronic transactions with the Finanzgericht of des Landes Brandenburg in 1999 at the same time and is now presiding judge at the Finanzgericht Berlin-Brandenburg. Also is a member of the Joint Commission of electronic justice”Ulrich Schwenkert. Profile Xinnovations e.V.

The Xinnovations e. V. competence network for network-based information technologies. He is an Association of people from industry, science, public and parastatal institutions which are active in the field of Internet-based economic and communication processes. The result is the Association in connection with a promotion of the research of the Federal Ministry for education and research. The goal of the Association is sustainable, supra-regional networking of economy, science, management and policy to create new alliances for technological and social innovation and initiate collaborative projects. To the networking of the members of the association with the actors from the areas listed above to promote, virtual forums, workshops and round tables are organized. Also assumes the Association project funds for collaborative projects, acquires funding, initiates and manages marketing and sales projects, operates an active press and public relations and tracking technology trends for its members. In the Centre of the activities of the Association, the focus of the Conference is “Xinnovations – better by networking” as permanent innovation Forum, which takes place once a year at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and continues in real and virtual forums.

Geothermal Energy Has Been Established

Description of a new heat source system there are over one hundred thousand larger or smaller geothermal plants. Every year, tens of thousands are added. But that doesn’t mean that we know everything. Always new applications discovera in the everyday use of the geothermal energy or encounter always neueAnsatze to improve our systems. Each technology entwickeltsich further. Anything else would be a step backwards. In all fields of geothermal energy in the depth and in the middle of the surface, generating electricity and for heating and Kuhlenwird use research, developed and improved. New development: GeoCollect -an Innovationeffektiver development of geothermal energy: convincing by low footprint for all brine heat pump ideal for renovations for highest efficiency simple mounting State of the art: usual heat sources for the use of geothermal energy by means of Warmepumpensind area collectors or geothermal probes.

In both application coming plastic pipes, i. d. R. polyethylene (PE), used by einemdurch the heat pump chilled water/antifreeze mixture through fins are, where it absorbs heat from the surrounding soil. While a flat-plate collector the PE pipes be laid flat, they open up the Tiefenbohrung(en) geo heat near-surface Earth probes.

Area collectors are required relatively large areas. The specific power (10 to 30 W / m) is also highly dependent on the existing floor conditions. That is the Erschliessungvon Earth probes due to the necessary drilling significantly teurerals for area collectors and needs of also a geological monitoring by the competent authority. Earth probes have a medium-sized power 55 W / m. There are also compact absorber on the market for a few years. They are offered by the diversenWarmepumpenherstellern. Compact absorbers are modifizierteHeizmatten, as known from wall heaters here. So konntendie necessary areas while reduced are problematic are but fragility of capillaries with regard to obstructions and mechanischenBeschadigungen during installation work. Also existierennoch special shapes, such as dome heat exchangers, energy baskets and geothermal probe fields.

Mexican Administration

I do not doubt, that its roll has been positive where has been called on to them at the same time to toil, to put in practice its knowledge and, that other institutions of level superior like the ITESM and others universities of the region know that in the region professionals occur who withdraw with a proactive leadership, a new vision on the responsibilities, commitments by a country that every time demand of a professional excellence that guarantees to him, changes, transformations for its development. We hope, that these withdrawn have demonstrated, that its roll has been very positive in the collaboration to it solutions that the state again Leon, especially Monterrey, has confronted, that its contribution in addition has collaborated in which the region has defined that profile of the masters in administration and industrial engineering with its respective mentions that are needed. To many of first withdrawn, them memory, that in our abiertas classes, in which always we looked for methodology of nontradional learning, innovating, especially in the subjects of markets, Problematic of the Mexican Administration, between some, we committed ourselves to that the provided knowledge, were pronounced with its applicability in all those opportunities, problems that they would present/display, of such form that we maintained the innovation, the contribution of new knowledge according to the Mexican reality always dynamic, to its commitments according to its needs, openings and behavior of the markets according to the behavior of the globalisation. The chairs always maintained the preoccupation, because the content was based not only on the requirements of the productive sector of the country, but the distributed knowledge could be applied to the Venezuelan reality. It was considered, was taken very into account at the time of his design, the restlessness, experiences lived by the participants. Often, they were distributed, not only in the classrooms of classes formal, became in informal meetings, was to reach in this way, a true cohesion of equipment, motivated, where each member carries out a significant roll in the success of the learning, all it jeopardize in reaching a level of academic excellence.

Industry Standardization

In this context, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was invited to participate in the Summit Earth, organized by the Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In such an event, ISO is committed to international environmental standards, then called, ISO 14000. Do keep in mind that the rules stipulated by ISO 14000 does not set environmental goals for pollution prevention, nor engage in the global environmental performance, but, down tools and systems focused on production processes within a company or organization, and the effects or externalities arising from these environment. For 1992, a technical committee comprised of 43 active members and 15 observer members had been formed and the development of what is now known as ISO 14000 was underway. Source: SYPartners
. In October 1996, the launch of the first component in the ISO 14000 series of standards came out to revolutionize the fields business, legal and technical.

These standards, called ISO 14000, will revolutionize the way both governments and industry, will focus on and address environmental issues. In turn, these standards provide a common language for environmental management by providing a framework for the certification of environmental management systems by third parties and to assist industry to meet consumer demand and government agencies for greater environmental responsibility. To this must be added, keep in mind that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an NGO established in 1947 to develop global standards in order to improve communication and international collaboration and facilitate exchange of goods and services .. In recent months, Hamdi Ulukaya has been very successful.

Sophora Makes News On Smartphones Of More Easily Usable

subshell GmbH developed new interface for retrieving “” now mobile can users of smartphones and mobile Internet that even easier as previously mobile get news of tagesschau. The also previously possible reception of live streams, podcasts, photos, and texts is about an own app with a new interface in the content-management-system Sophora significantly more comfortable. “Sophora ensures a fast, user friendly navigation within the offer of proven for many years and a good search function via the new interface to the app. Users can also evaluate content and enter into dialogue with the editors. Another advantage is that slim Sophora interface vendor neutral achieve all common smartphones can be “, so Jan Boddin, Managing Director of subshell GmbH. This all functions without any technical modifications to the CMS Sophora or the data model were implemented by the subshell GmbH.

The advantages of content management system proven in use for the ARD can be used completely for the new app. On the basis of Sophora interface, customized applications can be developed in the future to technical changes in a short time. The supply of new equipment is possible without further ADO. The content-management-system Sophora the Hamburg company subshell GmbH offers with Sophora a user-friendly high-end CMS, which is grown all editorial tasks and can flexibly be adapted to new applications. Sophora offers an intuitive interface, easy to use and powerful search, universal drag & drop, keyboard shortcuts, and a built-in image editor, which allows a work faster than traditional Web applications as desktop application. The publication of audio and video data is optimized, podcasts can be assembled directly in Sophora. In addition, the CMS is fully scalable. The site offers a test of the system de/sophora/download/index.html.

About subshell is the subshell team specializing in the care of business with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell music Germany ZDF include under the Federal Centre for political education, the first, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk,, ticket online, and universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim, to depict complex processes into simple and fast software solutions for companies. There are currently 24 employees at the headquarters in Hamburg’s HafenCity.

Sophora Makes News On Smartphones Of More Easily Usable

subshell GmbH developed new interface for retrieving “” now mobile can users of smartphones and mobile Internet that even easier as previously mobile get news of tagesschau. The also previously possible reception of live streams, podcasts, photos, and texts is about an own app with a new interface in the content-management-system Sophora significantly more comfortable. “Sophora ensures a fast, user friendly navigation within the offer of proven for many years and a good search function via the new interface to the app. Users can also evaluate content and enter into dialogue with the editors. Another advantage is that slim Sophora interface vendor neutral achieve all common smartphones can be “, so Jan Boddin, Managing Director of subshell GmbH. This all functions without any technical modifications to the CMS Sophora or the data model were implemented by the subshell GmbH.

The advantages of content management system proven in use for the ARD can be used completely for the new app. On the basis of Sophora interface, customized applications can be developed in the future to technical changes in a short time. The supply of new equipment is possible without further ADO. Mikhail Mirilashvili is often quoted on this topic. The content-management-system Sophora the Hamburg company subshell GmbH offers with Sophora a user-friendly high-end CMS, which is grown all editorial tasks and can flexibly be adapted to new applications. Sophora offers an intuitive interface, easy to use and powerful search, universal drag & drop, keyboard shortcuts, and a built-in image editor, which allows a work faster than traditional Web applications as desktop application. The publication of audio and video data is optimized, podcasts can be assembled directly in Sophora. In addition, the CMS is fully scalable. The site offers a test of the system de/sophora/download/index.html.

About subshell is the subshell team specializing in the care of business with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell music Germany ZDF include under the Federal Centre for political education, the first, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk,, ticket online, and universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim, to depict complex processes into simple and fast software solutions for companies. There are currently 24 employees at the headquarters in Hamburg’s HafenCity.


Coast (1992) to speech on the inaqualities in regards to the northeast development, evaluates that the projects and politics implemented in this region in some aspects had favored the modernization, but had not contributed for the real reduction of the poverty and the social inaquality, that is for the author, a structural question. It claims that it is necessary new paradigms of development, that search ' ' the integration of the regional spaces with the reduction of the social heterogeneidades, with the preservation of the environment and the valuation of the northeast cultural patrimony ' '. (COAST, 1992, P. 120). Of this form, to if making analysis on the question of the water in the Cear, she is necessary to question which the paradigms that help to construct to the ideal of support praised for the public power in the creation of projects and hdrica infrastructure workmanships. As Fernandes and Garci’a (2006) are necessary to have caution with the concept of sustainable development, therefore this is incorporated by modern speech, envolto of utopias, hopes, ideologies.

For the authors, one becomes necessary to only reinventar the development and progress idea, abandoning the myth of the untouchable nature and/or the nature as source of economic resources. In this context, it is considered that the water becomes a resource each time scarcer and disputed by diverse sectors of the society, and the problems with which the societies if come across, lead to a different one offer of this vital element. Many times, projects and politics are created and reveal innovative in definitive aspects, to put are not sustainable of the social point of view, for having reduced reach and if basing on the belief of that the development and the progress technician would decide problematic the partner-economic one of the region in question. In way to the progress technician materialized in the hdricas workmanships and the processes of management, it was shown that the old problems persist, as the different one offers of water in the agricultural communities and lack of basic sanitation, what it evidences that is about one question politics and not climatic, as they suggested the studies and speeches around problematic of the droughts the northeasterns.


Coast (1992) to speech on the inaqualities in regards to the northeast development, evaluates that the projects and politics implemented in this region in some aspects had favored the modernization, but had not contributed for the real reduction of the poverty and the social inaquality, that is for the author, a structural question. It claims that it is necessary new paradigms of development, that search ' ' the integration of the regional spaces with the reduction of the social heterogeneidades, with the preservation of the environment and the valuation of the northeast cultural patrimony ' '. (COAST, 1992, P. 120). Of this form, to if making analysis on the question of the water in the Cear, she is necessary to question which the paradigms that help to construct to the ideal of support praised for the public power in the creation of projects and hdrica infrastructure workmanships. As Fernandes and Garci’a (2006) are necessary to have caution with the concept of sustainable development, therefore this is incorporated by modern speech, envolto of utopias, hopes, ideologies.

For the authors, one becomes necessary to only reinventar the development and progress idea, abandoning the myth of the untouchable nature and/or the nature as source of economic resources. In this context, it is considered that the water becomes a resource each time scarcer and disputed by diverse sectors of the society, and the problems with which the societies if come across, lead to a different one offer of this vital element. Many times, projects and politics are created and reveal innovative in definitive aspects, to put are not sustainable of the social point of view, for having reduced reach and if basing on the belief of that the development and the progress technician would decide problematic the partner-economic one of the region in question. In way to the progress technician materialized in the hdricas workmanships and the processes of management, it was shown that the old problems persist, as the different one offers of water in the agricultural communities and lack of basic sanitation, what it evidences that is about one question politics and not climatic, as they suggested the studies and speeches around problematic of the droughts the northeasterns. Speaking candidly Hamdi Ulukaya told us the story.