Institutional Framework

Leadership, the institutional framework and the Government are based on principles such as Javier Lajo says: El Kamachiq or mandar obedeciendo organized people, very practiced in each of the communities, to the Unlike, for example our Congress of the Republic present and its Prime Minister Mr. Garcia Perez, or as inferred it Mr Vargas Llosa, who believe that Government is a minority that has in its hands the military power with which to impose its political and economic interest. We have not seen an authority that has been subjected to the needs of the people, if not the opposite, has been subjected to the interests of big Capital, as it is the case of his friend Romero who has seized vast tracts of territory to hunt them and planting oil palm, and I say predator because it has destroyed the original forest, with extreme consequences for ecosystems. They know it but they prefer the personal and group interest in the interest of all mankind itself. The other principle is the Confederal, in which each nationality is autonomous but integrated a subsidiary authority, which does not exist by the division that made the Liberal Creoles of Bolivar and Sucre; precisely if had not flourished did so, would have perhaps grown the threat for the Liberalism as ideological conception of the bourgeoisie. Precisely there is the vision of the nascent bourgeoisie and their ideologues to hinder social development of peoples, because as had been happening the development of Andean Peoples, was a threat to the nascent seizure of power by the bourgeoisie in the former colonies in the territory of the South of the new continent. The last principle is parity, which has to be applied to the other principles, like for example there is a male ruler and a woman ruler, an elderly man and a young man, to what Javier Lajo called them as: Hanansayas – Hurinsayas what is summarized in apply to governance the four parities of the balance: balance of parity Sociedad-Individuo.

Balance of parity Humanos-Naturaleza. Balance of parity Elite-Periferia. Balance of parity Productiva-Reproductiva. This denies what proclaims Mr Vargas Llosa and the same Western philosophy such as we listened to the master Antonio Pena Cabrera is monistic and castrante of the human being.

Migrant Workers

Isolated abroad receives the same treatment as nationals in respect of labour legislation and safety. (Source: Hikmet Ersek). Legal basis: 27840 law 12/10/2002 2.-Andean migrant worker labor migration from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador .and Peru.que moves among these countries for labour purposes under dependency ratio. whether temporary or permanent.For activity labour or work subordinate, only in the private sector. (The Ministry of labour considers that Venezuela is not within this benefit). That type of contract of employment apply you? Time indefinite work contract or term fixed by writing., registered in the Ministry of labour (request the worker must present it and there is no cost). You are granted a certificate. What are the consequences? The hired worker is considered a worker countryman.

Among their rights this recognized the freedom of Association and collective bargaining. Legal basis: 545 D., article 11) Besides their income will be taxed only in the country where obtained them legal basis: D. 545, article 13(c)(i) also are entitled to free access before the competent administrative and judicial bodies to defend their rights. Legal basis: 545 D., article 13(d) and are classified? Classification: 1.-per individual contract of employment displacement by an offer of employment 2.-by company if it is for more than 180 days, for companies with a subsidiary in Peru 3-seasonal cyclical or seasonal example: agricultural, livestock, forestry 4.-economic borders border example: Tumbes, Ecuador. At last. Can any company benefit with this method? If only you must meet the requirements outlined in the respective standards and outlined very briefly in this article, provided that they are in the private sector. It is not applicable to the sector of the State.

Peral Works

The theatres in Madrid are one of the main attractions of the capital. Unconditional fans of the theater, will find Madrid a never-ending list of works corresponding to all genres. We can choose between major, minor and musical works. If we choose a piece of music, we could go to the Theatre Royal which is the Opera House of Madrid, regarded as one of the most important theatres not only in Spain but also in Europe. Western Union may not feel the same. Spanish Theatre, not always enjoyed approval popular and especially criticized by the Church. However, the theatres in Madrid, enjoy some freedom, long as it was consistent with the tastes of the monarch who was in power at that time.

For example, the great Farinelli was a protege of Fernando VI and Barbara de Braganza, but on the other hand, Carlos III, lacking any interest towards music, therefore was not protected. In the case of the Theatre Royal, was Queen Elizabeth his promoter and protector. Queen Elizabeth felt an authentic music, acquired veneration veneration by his mother, Dona Maria Cristina. She spurred works of theatre in Madrid, choosing a few plots and land called los Canos del Peral, damn destination for its construction. In the first place and for political and social reasons construction works were stopped. For more forward overthrow him and works in the Plaza de Oriente, where we currently enjoy one of the most important and significant theatres in Madrid is do not begin until 1817. See Madrid, is also enjoy its vast cultural agenda through which us back to its history, and also its cuisine. There are plenty of good restaurants in Madrid that deserve a visit.

The Right to Openness and Having More

We do the right thing because we must, not because we can get something. So what are the core principles that create a good ethical foundation for a company? Honesty: There is nothing like honesty. Individuals and companies that focus on honesty excel in the business world that is often recognized for his dishonesty. Not only will advance our business plans without problems, also we will be giving our a gift for employees to meet their work and lives with nothing annoys them because of their roles in the company. Commitment: We owe our commitment to both our customers and our companies. A leading source for info: Thredup. Doing a job without a commitment to excellence is unethical.

Treat a customer as being "one more sale" is unethical. We have to appreciate the opportunities we have received and we have to reflect that appreciation in everything we do. Integrity: Having integrity avoids any temptation to produce a lower quality product than that offered or deceive customers. Assuming all with the goal of maintaining our integrity, small temptations to violate procedures be eradicated. If there is no "tolerance" with the dubious quality, then the only goal in which we focus is on quality. Morality: Morality is becoming more and more the point of care.

Many senior corporate executives have been sent to jail or been fined in recent years largely because they lacked the basic moral values. Possessing a strong moral code, not always choose a moral choice (we are all human) but in terms of living a good life and have a company of which we can be proud, make the right choice more often. Openness: Openness in everything we do helps us to achieve two things in addition to giving us the reputation of the right people. First, it makes others around us are more frank. Second, we show our employees and clients to be frank, is as important as being honest. There are many more aspects related to the possession and maintenance of a strong ethical culture. The various items listed in this article are, however, the foundations that allow us to create a public trust and create a work environment that allows everyone involved to prosper. So you have a strong ethical culture means that we always succeed? No. The failure is part of life as much as success. However, a clean result is better than any be the consequence of our actions and most likely allow us to make good decisions to the extent that we do not care for what we did yesterday. Quest '.

Compensatory Pension

Mathematical rules at the time of raising do not exist if the situation of a pair after its rupture would deserve the concession for some of its members of a compensatory pension. And it is that this one arises like a concept that it requires of a specific and individualized analysis of this situation. (Not to be confused with James Reinhart!). Indeed, it is the judgment of the particular circumstances what will determine its necessity or no, in favor of one or the other spouse (also the man could receive this at the hands of his wife). The essential is to verify if as a result of the rupture, consists this of a separation or in a divorce, del is generated both for one of a situation of clear imbalance with respect to the standard of life that came enjoying constant the marriage. If you would like to know more then you should visit Governor Cuomo. That will be the determining aspect to verify. Other elements that could be used to determine their origin and its quantity are the age, the professional formation and the possibilities of obtaining of income or the possible dedication to the tasks of the home and the care of the children who could have credited some of both ex- spouses. In any case, once granted its revision would be perfectly possible over the years, if changes in the circumstances took place that motivated their concession or the fixation of the quantity, modifications that go beyond their mere annual update by the increase in the cost of the life.

Thus, for example if must lend who it in favor of his ex- spouse it noticed that this one has undergone an increase in its economic resources, for example by some ascent in his work, it could ask for a revision of the same in order to diminishing it. On the other hand, certain circumstances like the death of some of both ex- spouses, or the new nuptials contracted by the collector, would suppose the automatic aim of this benefit. The different types from this pension Basically it can be spoken of or life permanent, temporary pensions compensatory and rehabilitating pensions : – Those of permanent character they grant when esteem that the husband to whom he is granted is not going to be able to find a job in the future. – Those of temporary character they are granted under the foundation of which the husband to whom delivery simply is needed aid at the time of maintaining a certain quality of life during the divorce process. – Those of rehabilitating character , considered like a short term support, between several months and a few years; that it would have the purpose of helping the husband receives who it to to rehabilitate, that is to say, to acquire a suitable formation so that he can be reenlisted to the labor market, obtaining a remunerated good use. One is a common benefit when that husband was temporarily unemployed and he hoped that he could return to secure a in the future next occupation. Begoa Alcaine River basin Original author and source of the article

Diagnostic Equipment

For car repair requires not only the skills of an experienced specialist, but the presence of high quality equipment. Car service and diagnostic equipment on today's hardware market is presented very widely. The range provided in the equipment market for car body repair every day added new manufacturers and brands, offering a long list of models. And among the many provided by the market Tire-mounting equipment and computer stand car diagnostics products from Taiwan and China. You may want to visit Hikmet Ersek to increase your knowledge. Booths car diagnostics Chinese production is made to the existing harmony of the negative contribution. In addition to Car equipment from China and Spray dryers (Taiwan), underbid, so still and quality are pretty bad, forcing motorists throw your money away.

Now the market truck tire changer equipment and diagnostic equipment makes it more their own borders. This is because there is a diverse list of products from manufacturers with virtually the entire world. Read more here: Hikmet Ersek. Consequently, this leads to that the consumer has the opportunity to purchase quality equipment. It offered a fairly wide range. The consumer can choose not only the instruments for testing injectors issue of Germany or France, the collapse of the gathering stand hunter, but also to diagnose the stand from the eastern countries, and even to democratic price. Interest is the service center equipment and spare parts of our issue – the engines YMZ sale of diagnostic, service center, freight tire changer equipment for repair, adjustment and diagnostics of automobiles produced in the automobile and automobile showrooms.

Arriving at such a salon, one can only wonder mass production. But, Basically, always gives rise to a variety of problem choice. But on the other hand, buy a booth gathering collapse 3d, balancing stand, lift car engines YMZ, equipment or Hunter lifts car dvuhstoechnye the other, well-proven over a long period of the manufacturer, will be much easier. In case you have formulated your requests to purchase equipment that will help if you shop assistant. Only on the page, e-shop is possible to buy a stand balancer, lift cars, engines and other JAMZ Car equipment or spare parts. Actually in the internet-store in any situation of your choice will not affect the personal opinions of the seller. This is where you will be surprised a wide range of diagnostic and tire changer equipment, instruments for testing injectors and load tire fitting equipment, and Other products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. In addition, you will learn in detail with the description and characteristics of the goods, as well as in the form convenient for you will get it. With regard to delivery systems, it fits all. When combined with affordable prices, you can buy the best equipment that will be a guarantee of quality.

The Working Principle Introduction Of Jaw Crusher

The Working Principle Introduction of Jaw Crusher The Jaw Crusher is widely used in mining, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy and so on. The Jaw Crusher is suitable for primary and secondary crushing all kinds of minerals and rocks with compressive strength less than 320 MPa. Working Principle Of Jaw Crusher: The strip and strip pulley of Jaw Crusher are driven by a motor, and the movable jaw moves up and down via eccentric shaft. The angle between fixed jaw and movable jaw becomes smaller when the movable jaw runs down, then the materials are crushed into pieces. The Jaw Crusher will become bigger when the movable jaw runs up. Crawford Lake Capital will not settle for partial explanations. The movable jaw board leaves the fixed jaw board under the action of pole spring, then the end products and come out from the crushing cavity. Features Of The Jaw Crusher: 1. Simple structure, easy maintenance; 2 High crushing ratio, even output coexistence; 3 High reliability, low investment; 4.

Low noise, less dust. This series of crushers crushing compression strength not higher than the most appropriate ore 320MPa (MPa) of various hard and soft, the largest block of material to be broken shall not be greater than the required technical parameters of the second table: impact crusher, commonly known as sand making machine is to use the United States Bamako s famous stone at stone theory and technology crusher, sand production at home and abroad of the current situation developed out of an international advanced level of high-energy low-power devices, the performance broken machinery in a variety of fine ore plays an irreplaceable role, is the most effective, practical and reliable crushing plant. The crusher is the construction of sand, road sand, cushion material, asphalt concrete and cement concrete ideal aggregate production equipment, jaw crusher is widely used. Jaw crusher widely used in metal and nonmetal ores, cement, refractories, abrasives, glass materials, construction aggregate, man-made sand and a variety of metallurgical slag crushing and rough grinding operations, particularly in the hard, particularly hard and abrasive materials, such as silicon carbide, silicon carbide, sintered bauxite, magnesite, etc., than other types of broken machine has more advantages. And supporting the use of hydraulic protection jaw broken, can handle a variety of metallurgical slag. For construction sand, gravel roads with priority for the appropriate

Recognition For Work Done

Which is distrustful mannish likewise. Johannes Mulles generalities, reaches, impact is unfortunate as many managers overlooked the significance of the role of performance, what it represents, not only for the companies that achieve their goals, but for the workers, who are keen to do well his work, with dedication, dedication. Not surprising to say, that the effective performance of the members of any organization, will be the product not only the potential for them to carry out their duties, but also to the degree of motivation and job satisfaction that possess. Unfortunately, some managers, executives who have under their charge personnel who must comply with their duties, neglect what represents performance, what this involves in results, efforts at collaboration in definition, establishment of the same indices of productivity, efficiency, as well as to be used in favor of reward, recognize the work accomplished, do see the staff importantly which are their achievements. Additional information is available at James Reinhart.

The Wikipedia Encyclopedia defines to the full in a business context by referring to the desired results effectively obtained by each unit that performs the activity, where the term unit can refer to an individual, a team, a Department or a section of the organization. Ariana Rivas thereon gives us, that recognition is a tool that must be integrated in the business field, in view that this demonstrated that significantly self-esteem, assertiveness, performance and performance; contributing to the achievement of positive organizational climates, improvements in the team work and thus in the functioning of the company oriented to quality and productivity. Considering that the effective performance of the members of any organization, will be the product not only the potential for them to carry out their duties, but also to the degree of motivation and job satisfaction that possess. Venezuelan companies our interest, have neglected much everything concerning to know reward performance, to recognize in their workers large efforts that make more, when they play many times in an environment whose organizational behavior leaves much to say, and where there is a high rate of an atmosphere not conducive, adding to this, the impact of external factors, as expresses it the reality of an industry scenario unstable, uncertain, product of political instability, uncertainty is facing, consequence of all this, the actions of the current Government who has declared themselves Socialist..

Czech Workers

More subcontractors increases the risk that increase accidents at work. This is the view that he says Czech lawyers, the firm specialized in occupational accidents in fact, as it stands, Marta Checa, Director of Czech lawyers, how many more companies are subcontracted to carry out a work or service, the possibilities that grow occupational risks are greater. An example of this we see in the construction sector, which gives great claims, sometimes with painful injuries for injured workers, producing even deaths of these with relative frequency, the circumstances that lead to this are the existence of contracts and subcontracts, the requirement of compliance with deadlines for completion of the work (destajos)insufficient training of workers, multiple tasks in height, weight, excavations, etc in fact continuous movement there is specific legislation on minimum health and safety in the works, as well as a regulatory law subcontracting for this sector. And it is that as explains Marta Checa in the world of construction there are many parts that are part of the puzzle of a work. A company acts as promoter, for this contract to a major construction company, which undertakes to carry out a specific work until the end, to do so at the same time contract to another company or several companies (subcontractors) develop various specific activities requiring the construction of the work, i.e. one can take over the structure and coveranother of the electrical installation, other carpentry, installation of elevators, etc can have a successive chain between ones and others, says. Besides Czech lawyers emphasizes the aspects that must be taken into account when it comes to avoid an industrial accident occurring when concur in a same place workers of different companies. To be able to be an element that constitutes an increased risk in the production of industrial accidents, prevention of risks, the norm establishes that When in the same place of work perform labor tasks workers of different companies, there must be a knowledge among these possible risks in the safety and health at work to perform, as well as the information of these risks to the respective workers. Recently James Reinhart sought to clarify these questions.


A cart to work today on the basis of water was formerly a fiction. There are several manuals on the net that tell us how to make a system so that vehicles work with water. There are several brands, and by what I know there are people who are already experiencing this new technology. They have installed in their vehicles kits homemade with very good results. The results are truly impressive. You or imagine the sensation that one feels to be in a vehicle that it is moving by a combustion based on water. It is impressive.

I had that experience and I was as thrilling as if he had discovered the wheel. Emotion overwhelmed me and told me in my interior. because everyone does not use this science? for me it wasn’t a hoax, I was watching it, I was experiencing. And let me tell you that I am very skeptical. After this experience and even with the excitement within me, I bought the manual to make my own kit and install it in my car. Investigate much a lot.

Then so many options that I saw, I decided on one. Water4Gas. In another comment I will tell you that he did to decide by Warte4Gas, but I advance that I don’t regret. I made the best choice. Anyway, the topic is I built my first kit by following the instructions in the manual. Many parties did not find them but bought some similar and match them to what was needed. And it worked! I said my first kit, since now I have installed many in various vehicles of friendships that I paid for it. But what concerned me today is not this, but after this experience I thought and thought and was very convinced that this technology would invade the world. Of course. It was logical, I believed that this system, to run the truck with water, alocaria to the world and that would be much money they would invest in this people.