International Foundation

With great determination, firmness and delivery, by five years adhered to a strict philosophical school, change your eating style and his way of life, he fully took the reins of your own spiritual transformation and was devoted heavily to nourish and develop the flourishing of his being internal, without forget or ignore that there is also an external world. Zen meditative practice was the antidote to his spiritual tribulation, the door to self-knowledge and light that I connect with the universal self. So intense work bore rich fruit and various. He understood that internal order and peace, are necessary to ensure the spiritual understanding, equanimity. Hamdi Ulukaya takes a slightly different approach. Esoteric groups that visited out of them, a Sangha was formed with other friends he met there, and that became his spiritual brethren, everyone agreed on the same concept of spirituality, with they experienced how wonderful of autodirigirse and make own decisions. In 1980 with the idea of forming a spiritual community more serious renting a House and are going to live all together, this coexistence only lasts 6 months but it was a very creative period in every sense. That time was to make balance sheet and box cutting, deep silence who lived made him understand that spirituality simplifies life. There he determined the direction that his life would continue onwards.

The group disbanded and he took as the axis of his life and work to the spirituality. In 1980 began his teaching activity in a primary teaching physical education and began his studies of Bachelor’s degree in psychology, these two aspects marked the maturity of his educational and spiritual work. His contact with children was human, warm, respect, ethics, everything not received formal education provided to children, while at the faculty the positivist mechanistic approach boosted it to realize his human holistic vision, which would subsequently released internationally through the International Foundation for holistic education, a new stage of his spiritual life. .

Visual Basic.NET-basierende Malware Antivirus

BitDefender Antivirus expert warns of new Backdoor Trojans Holzwickede, 05th July 2010 with the Trojan Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A the security software maker BitDefender ( has discovered a new threat to Windows Vista and Windows 7 users. The malware is based on the programming language Visual Basic.NET that is preinstalled on the two Microsoft operating systems. Andrew Cuomo recognizes the significance of this. After the compromise of the PC, the pest trying to block any antivirus programs on the computer. Malware authors be programmed on the basis of Visual Basic.NET, can assign several tasks to their Trojans with less effort. In addition, the malicious code that contains the commands that is less complex. BitDefender therefore expects that in future more malware is developed on the basis of this programming language. Virus protection-killer Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A searches specifically for Antivirus installed on the computer.

Those trying the Trojans, he finds immediately, to block their protection mechanisms. This behavior is for Trojan quite unusual, because rarely are programmed to override the virus scanner. Indicates the name of the Trojan, the malware has also some backdoor capabilities, which allows attackers remotely, accessing the system. Specially Firefox profiles (passwords, usernames etc.) are among the preferred stolen goods. To do so, she sends partial screenshots at the remote attacker. To protect against such attacks, BitDefender recommends downloading and installing a complete security software ( solutions /) with antivirus, antispam, antiphishing and firewall protection.

The BitDefender virus scanner detect the Trojan and eliminate him. BitDefender quick test under a free speed test tells you that is Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A on the PC. Detailed technical information for the Trojan at: blog/malware la-visual basicnet… . About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English.

German Championship Searches

Practical knowledge is at the forefront of competence competition German project management Championship of can do GmbH with the support of the Fachhochschule Koblenz Munich, July 22, 2010 – who is working as an employee or Manager regularly in projects, can now compare 2010 his skills during the German Championships of project management. It is performed by the solution provider can do with scientific support by the Koblenz University of applied sciences. The skills competition will start on September 10, 2010 and promises attractive prices to the three winners of the finale. Also, the best 25 participants will receive a certificate with the placement in the competition, which can be useful for the future career as proof of the professional qualification in this topic. A registration can be carried out immediately under. The participants of the German project management Championship 2010 must have proven themselves in four rounds, to penetrate in the finals of the best five contestants. These rounds are conducted online, while a certain number of participants for the next round will qualify each. Identification procedures, a multiple participation is avoided by people.

Similar Championships are for more topics in preparation or already launched according to a concept of the think tank on the topics of IT service management, ECM and document management, business intelligence and application management. The methodological and organisational quality of projects is known, because she largely decides the success of investments and strategic objectives”a very critical matter, Judge Thomas Schlereth, Managing Director of can do GmbH is specialized on software project management. He was referring to the regularly confirmed results of investigations, which again found a high failure rate for projects. Therefore it is important to provide new impetus to improve the quality.” These include not only modern tools for him but also professional incentives for the project staff in their various roles.

InvestitionsBank Berlin

Goal is that they will successfully establish themselves in the economic area of Berlin-Brandenburg. In 15 years BPW over 1,300 successful companies emerged with about 5,900 workers, that still exist.” Klaus-Dieter Teufel, Deputy Chief Executive of the Association of business associations in Berlin and Brandenburg e.V. (UVB) said: the BPW is an important instrument of innovation policy. That is why we are committed in the BPW for to translate scientific know-how in the region which are also provided or made into products and services. The BPW combines these tasks in a unique way.” Jeffery Nehring-Venus, State Secretary of the Senate Department for Economics, technology and women accompanied the competition for years: “the business plan competition is the flagship of our armada of Foundation support. So go the many other ships such as the programs at universities, the deals for women and migrants, all in the same direction and can also be detected by Entrepreneurs and founders, we offer the portal. Full speed ahead!” Ralf Christian offers, Minister of economy and European Affairs of the land of Brandenburg, welcomed the high inlet: “with the early-stage funds we want to help to implement the good ideas of the competition. For: start-ups are an important driving force for economic growth.

I am, that the BPW in Brandenburg encounters great interest also in 15 years and people not have settle deter with ideas by the economic problems of the last time, continue to go their way towards independence.” Background of the BPW is organized by the InvestitionsBank Berlin (IBB), the InvestitionsBank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB), as well as the Association of companies in Berlin and Brandenburg e.V. (UVB). Winners of the competition are the universities of the region. Act as patrons of the Senator for Economics, technology and women of the State of Berlin, Harald Wolf, and the Minister for economic and European Affairs of the land of Brandenburg, Ralf Christian offers. On their way from the product idea to the concept of sustainable business, entrepreneur get know-how, feedback, coaching and contacts in the framework of a competition which is endowed with a total of 63,000 euros. For business plans, which were created in a college event, there is a separate category this year: BPWstudy.

Aspiring Network Specialist

Fast lane-summer special certification to the CCNA or CCNP including free test voucher Hamburg / Berlin, June 30, 2010 the Cisco Learning solutions partner fast lane an offer-special for the training to become a certified Cisco network specialist has launched specifically for the summer months. Who logs up to August 31, 2010 for this action and binding posts the required courses to prepare, each receives a voucher for the final certification exam to do so. “To the booking, it is necessary that in the comment field of the registration form Cisco test vouchers” is entered. Until the end of August this action, in which the participants a corresponding Pearson VUE test voucher free gain. The exercise valid for this promotion and learn more about course content, dates and prices are available at article/9157 for retrieval. Peter Asaro usually is spot on. Dates in July and August in the overview of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA): – 05.07 – 09.07.2010 Frankfurt Interconnecting Cisco network devices part 2 – 05.07 09.07.2010 Munich of Interconnecting Cisco network devices: accelerated – 02.08. 06.08.2010 Hamburg Interconnecting Cisco network devices: accelerated – on 09.08 August 13, 2010 Munich of Interconnecting Cisco networking devices part 1 – 16.08 August 20, 2010 Munich of Interconnecting Cisco networking devices part 2 Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP):-05.07 16.07.2010 Berlin CCNP power workshop – 05.07 09.07.2010 Frankfurt troubleshooting and maintaining Cisco IP networks – boots July 16, 2010 Hamburg implementing Cisco IP routing – boots July 16, 2010 Munich implementing Cisco IP switched networks – 30.08.

03.09.2010 Berlin implementing Cisco IP switched networks Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) The CCNA Cisco-basic level certification is the first step on the way to the certified Cisco professionals and demonstrate a basic knowledge in the area of the network. After a successful conclusion is the participant in the location, medium-sized router and switch-based networks, including the implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN to install, to configure, operate, and maintain. Information about CCNA certification: certification/1506. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) graduates have the capacity and the know-how that the professional plan, implement, verify and Troubleshooten of local and wide-area business networks, as well as the joint work on advanced security, voice, wireless and Videosolutions is required for. Information about the CCNP certification:.

Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other manufacturers own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting.

Google Enters The Ring – The Nexus Series

Google is trying the balancing act between attractive prices and good quality. The prospects of success look like? Can Google still on the train popping up? Apple, Samsung, Asus and Acer: The list of names that compete for the highly lucrative and competitive as hard (and dirty) market of smartphones and tablets reads at present. This battle is now in the next round, with Google the next serious counterparty enters the stage and if you look at a look at the recent history of Google’s investments, then there is cause for concern along. With the purchase of Skype (which was sold at a large profit), YouTube and Mobile brand Motorola, Google confirmed that it is seriously working not only as to be perceived search engine. The first step was made a few years ago, as a developer of the Android OS operating system, run a tight battle against the Apple iOS system for years. Currently, the latest statistics that Android OS worldwide on ca 70% of all smartphones and tablets to the Usage comes. Based on these figures, it was even only a matter of time until first thoughts about a product from home were forged. The outcome of this consideration was finally the birth of Google nexus series in 2010.

The Google nexus smartphone was at that time highly traded implemented version of a good idea turned as bad. As a result, the sale of the first nexus was already set after several months. The breakthrough was followed with the nexus S, with a strong reference to the Samsung Galaxy S (no wonder since both devices are produced by Samsung). In addition to the very successful establishment on the Smartphonemarkt, it has Google business to conquer the Tabletmarkt with the nexus 7 and now the nexus 10. The ‘production’ their devices is certainly interesting about Google’s approach. Here, one takes the production of a very famous energy drink with Red Bull as a role model. There, the bottling of drinks was swapped over the years completely and is operated partly by the immediate competition. Similarly, the current nexus produced series not from Google itself, but by competitors such as Samsung and LG. Research and development take over the minds of Google just his name on other smartphones but, so that Google would first reviews and tablets Rauf clap quickly taken the wind out of the sails.

CeBIT Security Awareness

Lots of news on the CeBIT booth from InfoSecure Augsburg, 11.02.2013. Employee awareness is one of the most important measures to ward off threats to information security. This E-learning for middle level and enterprise represents one of the most efficient ways of implementation. As one of the leading companies, InfoSecure offers a wide range of the economical ready-to-use course specifically for information security and data protection up to the customized online course of the Premium Edition. Advantages disadvantages combined eliminated when the appropriate infrastructure exists but not, can it be complicated before it goes to the actual training of staff. With the flexible SaS offerings, InfoSecure is therefore the E-learning programs on demand in a hosted learning management system available including the standard functions of an LMS as e-mail-based invitation by staff to courses, generate participation certificates and creating reports related. Administrative access, employees can be and easily manage licensed courses.

Thus, the campaign implementation is greatly simplified and optimally supported. Risk and compliance management with SecureAware new part with the IT-GRC-tool of the Danish manufacturer of new part InfoSecure completes his profile in the area of information security and compliance. The All-In-one IT-GRC-management product provides clear and powerful functions and process support for policy management, IT risk management, business continuity planning and many other areas. InfoSecure shows SecureAware and the current E-learning programs and awareness videos to information security and data protection on the CeBIT from 5 to 9 March in Hall 12 stand B34/1. About InfoSecure InfoSecure operating since 1999, specializing in security awareness IT is a service provider with an international customer base. The European company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands. Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Scandinavia are looked after with its own branches. In many other countries, such as for example the Switzerland, France, InfoSecure is represented by partner Croatia, China, Japan and Canada. As one of the leading providers for awareness & training programs in the fields of information security, data protection, business continuity and compliance, InfoSecure offers international companies, wholesale and also medium-sized companies, modularized training and awareness programs that can be put together individually from an extensive topic library.

POLAR Operator Courses In The First Half Of 2013

POLAR high-speed cutters offers in Hofheim operator courses for POLAR and POLAR Compucut. POLAR high-speed cutters offers in Hofheim operator courses for POLAR and POLAR Compucut. Audience: Department managers, foreman, shift leader and machine staff. Server courses for POLAR high-speed cutters X / XT, XPLUS / XTPLUS and N PLUS: operator courses for older machines such as EM/EMC-monitor, E/ED, and current PACE N-PRO systems with rotary gripper can take place according to schedule consultation in our House.

Server courses take place systems for older XT PACE consult schedule to your own customer system. Requirements: Students should to such courses register, whose contents the technology of used or commissioned to increased machine handles. Students must be of legal age and have basic knowledge of the work process cutting, as well as the machinery. The number of participants per course is limited to 5. All courses are held in German. Information about course fees and registration see Services / user training.

We recommend early registration. About POLAR as a leading technology company developed POLAR as an independent family business solutions for demanding challenges in the field of the processing. The product range include components and systems that connect all processes from loading on jogging, cutting and punching to the unloading and banding and automate. Under the brand name MOHR markets with formats will develop since cutting machines produced in 2012, which is specifically for the print on demand – up to 46 x 64 cm. Also to the POLAR Mohr group is one of the service Verpackungstechnik GmbH, a manufacturer of Components and systems for the automatic packing of goods, primarily in the food industry.

Trade Portal NexMart For Refining Data

Software e-proCAT from e-pro the B2B platform simplified nexMart their electronic catalog processing Stuttgart, 12 September 2012 every company that regularly million product records for an electronic catalog check, edit, classify must know the associated processing can be labour intensive, time consuming, error-prone and expensive. Also nexMart, a business-to-business platform for over 230 supplier of tools, hardware, hardware, wood, garden equipment and technical needs, faced the challenge of having to process product data in a variety of formats. With e-proCAT nexMart manufacturer data can finish faster and safer. The product data of our suppliers are today from CSV, Excel, XML or from print catalogs imported several times and mixed and then painstakingly manually checked, edited and classified”, describes Taso Mousilarikos, project manager for the introduction of e-proCAT the situation with nexMart, in his company. With e-proCAT are now standardised this diverse data for the trade portal nexMart and classified and in a uniform manner structured format for further use of the available suppliers, distributors and other portals”, explains Alexander Caro, sales manager of the e-pro solutions. The order transaction on supplier as dealers can be reduced process cost through improved data quality. For the dealer, the time-consuming search no longer required after article numbers and catalogues, the calling after delivery and the disarray of the fax. On the part of the manufacturer or the supplier a better distribution of the data occurs also, so that results an optimized solution for all parties involved”, adds Alexander Caro..

Oilily Bags – First Summer Collection

Taschenmann2005 presents Oilily fantasy Flora that first and the largest collection of women’s bags for summer 2013 was in 1963 by Willem and Marieke OLSTHOORN brand Oilily Oilily established. You have successfully started with children’s clothing. Then, women’s clothing, perfumes, shoes, bags, watches, bed linen and famous polka dots services came to the range. End of 2008, insolvency has been reported however. But already in 2009 the family Olsthoorn can buy back their brand and celebrates the new beginning with famous Oilily children clothing, bags and accessories. Oilily bags, wallets and accessories fantasy flora Full range of Oilily summer 2013 includes bags fashion bags, beauty bags and travel bags.

These include fashion bags themselves several large and small Taschenkollektionen.Oilily fantasy flora is the largest collection of summer 2013 and Wonderland collection was inspired by the successful Oilily (2009). Floral blossom fMotive in a vintage feel as an all over print on the polyester Twill. Five colors: Cream, pistachio, solid Pistachio, biscuit or MoCCA, nylon or a polka dot print on a pink with a contrast fabric made from luxury, cream or blue backdrop added: A striped inner lining animates the Interior of the bag, while the details such as PU matt mouldings in Brown, pink or blue, coral, gold hardware, the 3D-Oilily logo and the practical zippers give a finishing touch of the outside. Material: Polyester 80%, polyvinyl chloride 20% (synthetic leather). Model range leaves nothing to be desired as always at Oilily, here are esTaschen for any purpose: Weekender-for sports, leisure or short trip. soft diaper bag for fashion-conscious moms; for business ladies Office bag Briefcase with laptop compartment; for much Packer large carry all also with laptop compartment. Anyone looking for a handbag, can choose all or a small S handbag roomy M carry.

Shoulder bags fans have the choice of four different sizes. Trendy Tote and tote bags – two-sided handbags you carry in 2 colors are reversible bags S can (flower pattern or repetitive). L wallet, four wallets, S wallet, travel wallet and S flap wallet is a must. Hamdi Ulukaya has much experience in this field. The last but not least, iPhone cases for 3Gs,4, iPhone 4S and scratch at Oilily – iPhone hard case cover for iPhone 4, 4s, scratch-resistant plastic: