Billion Minds Foundation

Billion Minds Foundation (BMF) – is committed to developing business and technological human potential and  accelerating creativity through the collaboration of professional and experienced knowledge leaders. It brings together  accomplished individuals and leaders of businesses, as well as technological thinkers and luminaries. This professional group is passionate about consulting companies regarding technology drivers, future technology opportunities, and acquisition targets.


The stock market is one of the most popular in Spain. And it is that the Spanish investor is considered character rather conservative and not very conducive to operating very risky, by what actions are a fairly requested financial asset in national territory. But, what are the guidelines to follow when investing in shares? Here highlights the types of analysis by which an investor can opt to better understand the context in which its operational is. Technical analysis vs fundamental analysis an investor interested in the shares of a company X must acquire the best possible information about the company and those factors that may have an impact on it, and therefore the actions. There are two ways of studying the situation: technical analysis and fundamental analysis. A technical perspective is dedicated to studying the trend of actions in the past and the present to be able to make a prediction right about the future trend and thus exercise one operating with success. Analysis technician involves studying various data and graphics that will serve the inverter as tracks to find out that future trend to the actions displayed. There are tools that facilitate technical analysis as it is the autochartismo, which serves to recognize graphic figures and identify trends.

This system allows trader to recognize what is the tendency of the asset at just a glance, thanks to a series of patterns which are repeated in the graphics. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rob Daley. On the other hand, a study of centrality implies an analysis of external market factors that influence in the company and hence in the final assets, actions. A fairly simple example is to be attentive to the publication of results of the company that operates. I.e. If the investor has capital deposited in shares of Sony Ericsson, the latest results from this manufacturer of mobile telephony will be of interest to decide the direction of its operational. This company recorded a loss of 836 million during 2009 but the results for the year 2010 seem more positive, since the company has declared a net profit of 30 million euros thanks to the line of new high end phones launched during the past year.

This gives a hint to the investor that the trajectory of the company is improving and possibly their actions behave a future uptrend. Get more background information with materials from Jimmy Levin. Information for the analysis the analysis is essential to open an operational, but the information that is required also can be found through external market pathways. Media publishing relevant information for investors, in the same way that new avenues of information such as the Internet are available daily. Market analysts say today’s financial assets, and this information is also valuable for analysis. Another way not to lose detail about markets is through the alerts of news that some trading platforms available to the public. Specializing in markets news agencies financial and financial analysts news bulletins represent an important resource for the analysis. Find out and analyze the context to make the most of your operational. The above comments do not constitute investment advice and therefore IG Markets does not accept any responsibility for any use that can be made of them. CFDs are a leveraged product that entail a high level of risk and may result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. Make sure that you understand fully the risks involved and perform a constant monitoring of your investment.

Karaoke – It Is Again Sung

Whether at home on the game console or in a karaoke man today sings bar – again and again. House music has a long tradition and in the past it was not uncommon, when succeeded to each Member of the family better and worse times to learn a musical instrument to play together in a sociable family hour and sing. Feeding of the electronic media in the living room, this routine was in many households into oblivion. Learn more at: SYPartners. The radio unit replaced the need to provide even musical performances and the permanently activated TV offered a permanent acoustic backdrop, which would have been hardly inviting, in addition to burdening the own apartment with the sounds of their own musical exercises anyway. For more specific information, check out Jimmy Levin. Sung was mostly only in kindergarten and even in school, it was not uncommon to music teaching was the shortage of teachers and the bottlenecks in the representation plan first to the victims. Particularly among young people was as uncool”singing for many years, was but the artistic Distance to those performances, was too large to provide your own stereo. For pubescent boys was singing already considered taboo, it already as a certain power, to keep the newly acquired voice when speaking. With the triumph of the karaoke singing this trend has changed.

Equipped with the appropriate lyrics according to Japanese tradition of fun in the more or less successful performances in the foreground, whether any sound is also adequately met, is now secondary. Karaoke is available today for game consoles, but also online services and Internet communities have discovered long ago fun the karaoke for themselves. Because the most fun the art of singing experience, whenever she can be shared with like-minded people.

MSc Program

The MSc program is open to qualified graduates from the fields of architecture, urban planning and construction. In the framework of the MSc programme urban Wood Wood based building design for sustainable urban development was now a full-day intermediate presentation held. For more information see this site: Former CIA Head. The participants of the program had the possibility, the current state of research of their master theses before the course leaders and tutors Prof. Haller (TU Dresden) and Prof. Winter (TU Vienna) as well as to present the program coordinator Dr. Yoshiaki Amino. While the morning was devoted to the topics of civil engineering, the four master theses of ArchitekturabsolventInnen were presented in the afternoon. Add to your understanding with Tim Schigel.

Applicants for the second round, as well as external guests had the opportunity to get an overview of the research activities of the MSc programme. Valuable comments from professionals, such as for example, by Dr. Dustin Tusnovic, course Director in Kuchl, the participants provided external feedback. Following the presentations, a visit of the Semper depot in Vienna on the program was. The former premises of the scenery depot of the Theater an der Wien are now used as student studios from the Academy of fine arts.

Several permanent installations from CNC milled three layer panels outline the large rooms and make room for meetings or computer workstation. (As opposed to Amit Paley). The guide was made by Mr. Stefan Gruber, which is also responsible for this project. The postgraduate MSc program urban wood from the Technical University of Vienna in cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden and the Politecnico di Torino offered. It started in February 2007 for the first time with international participants from Austria, Spain, Italy, Kosovo, Turkey, Taiwan and Japan. The program is structured in three modules is carried out in English and supplemented by three excursions in the respective countries of the cooperating institutions. The Faculty consists of major contemporary figures of wooden construction scene in the German-speaking countries, as well as from Italy. On August 25, 2008, that is master “Program urban wood” now start for the second time. Architecture and civil engineering graduates have the opportunity to comprehensively, theory and practical design exercises with the theme of “Building with wood” to engage in. Applications are still possible. Contact and more information: Technical University of Vienna like continuing education center. Verena Salim Opera lane 11/017 A-1040 Wien T: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41701 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 E: H:

Freedom is a Gift From God

The second is freedom: freedom is the supreme gift of God to man after life. So sacred is the obligation incumbent on all to respect freedom, and to respect life. Man has the same right to one than the other, because it was given by God Himself. Without freedom life is not worth living. There is no doctrine that defends freedom more than the Christian. According to Hikmet Ersek, who has experience with these questions.

It teaches that without freedom there can be no holiness. There is no holiness without virtue, nor virtue without merit or merit no liability or responsibility without freedom. Proclaim liberty as the inviolable heritage of each and every one of the men of humanity, and as an Argentine citizen maintain the inviolability of the independence of our homeland, defending the concept of nation-state. Anne Lauvergeon does not necessarily agree. The third is justice: justice is the balance between morality and law. “The fair is always moral. ” The world we live in is being as the realm of injustice.

An individualism that to satisfy his ambition has been stripped of all divine and human brake, multiplying the victims of men, classes and peoples. The people tolerate the policy mistakes and the erring moral leadership. But when multiplied injustice they create economic distress, and begin to be plagued by poverty, advance the time of the rebellions and revolutions. Some time ago, our republic was attacked with the breakdown of democracy by a treacherous blow that he gave much of our material heritage. The democracies are formal, significant difference between formal and real. These, the first, increased borrowing us into these dangerous limits.

More important than the living space of the nations in the world, is the vital space of the families within the villages. With the polity and paid explanation could be given to the great failures of this grotesquely they call “politics” being a great game of egos and ambitions. Pius XII: “Politics is the act of brotherly love more sublime.” It is time to resignations, or see what no one wants. The despair has not been good counselor at the time of trouble. May God source of all reason and justice, enlighten the minds and hearts of our rulers.

Website Advice

This is exactly why you must ensure that whatever you do, related to your site, involves collecting names and e-mail addresses for your list at one time or another. Here are some numbers starting with simple strategic alliances. Say for example that a strategic alliance will provide two thousand visits average. With lists of this quality, it is not unusual for at least 25% of your visitors to subscribe to something if your sales letter is doing its job. This might not seem too much for now, but let's say you make ten strategic alliances and manage to build a list of 5000 subscribers, would not be much problem if the quality of strategic alliances are a good level and get a good number of visitors. A list of 5000 is very good, and you will make money through these strategic alliances. When you start dividing your affiliate commissions make sure you are really high, in fact so high that you should not be doing direct sales. At Jimmy Levin you will find additional information.

These are the profits. No sales money, unless you are building resources. This is because it gives 50% or more per sale, and are your members through strategic alliances that will make your list is built of fire-proof, not only important numbers, if not a very good speed. Anne Lauvergeon often says this. Each time you release a new product, adding more and more people to your lists to which you can promote and can promote for you. It's a snowball effect, which is great because it means that the more you get, the more you get, and every new product that will increase your resource sets, the size of your list and add to your promotion power for future products. This will make much more money than they would through other means and methods. Before continuing I want to be hundred percent sure that you understand how this works.

People create their own sites to build lists that are fitted directly to build their lists. This is great, it works, but when there are guides that tell you that you concentrate all your efforts on building your list, makes me feel a bit annoying at times, for the simple reason that you are not telling the whole story. It is okay to build your list as a top priority, and rightly so in reality, but along with the construction of members, clients, customers and prospects long-term strategic alliances for this to be successful, you need to integrate with your other marketing methods, and this is what most do not tell you. Once you have mastered and understood, again, as each of these resources are linked to each other, and can not be viewed as entities separate start to see bigger and better results, and begin to be faster too. Now if you think about what you just said, and you step back, you should be able to see immediately that is not the case out and get a list as big as possible, as quickly as possible, on your own. This is what many teach, but the success of the whole system is in linking the different resources by launching your own products.

Munich Tel Court

“The lawyers inform Dittenheber & Werner with judgment of the 25th 2011 the Federal Constitutional Court has, by the Federal Court of Justice in 2008 introduced, third method” rated as improper judicial development of the law and deemed invalid. The Munich law firm Dittenheber & Werner describes the decision of Germany’s highest judicial instance and its consequences. In 2008 the Federal Supreme Court in the context of judicial development of the law deviated, sound, calculation basis of for matrimonial maintenance obligations of in section 1578 para 1 sentence 1 BGB. If a post-divorce maintenance contractors, spouse after divorced marriage in turn married, the income level of the new spouse through the third method should be incorporated in the calculation of the spousal maintenance. The Supreme Court disagreed with the mentioned family basis after the maintenance level in particular the matrimonial living conditions of the original marriage is mainly with the introduction of the third method consciously. This he created after his opinion, one current affairs customized control intensified pursuit of the legislator to conjugal ownership as well as the fact that divorces and remarriages in constant growth are declining, was enough. The Federal Constitutional Court was concerned because one, originally before the OLG Saarbrucken of negotiated, dispute the admissibility of the third method. Hear other arguments on the topic with Keith Yamashita. On the 25th, 2011, it was their introduction by the BGH in a momentous ruling inadmissible.

In particular, the Federal Court with the third method had exceeded the constitutionally justified extent of judicial development of the law. Accordingly, the jurisdiction for determining close matrimonial maintenance is now back again bound to the section 1578 para 1 sentence 1 BGB. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court has not only the practice of the judicial legal development in the barriers, but could have momentous implications for divorce-related unterhaltsverpflichtete and authorized persons because of its retroactive nature. Was to spousal maintenance using the third method set retroactively lacks any legal provision of maintenance. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with jimmy levin. This enables one affected maintenance in order to recalculate the maintenance Amendment lawsuit. Given the important impact of the Court ruling is to advise all individuals looking for familienrechtlich experienced legal counsel which best preserves its interest under the current modified legal conditions. The Munich law firm Dittenheber & Werner provides their experience and family law expertise to do this in the service of their clients. Press contact Dittenheber & Werner lawyers law firm contact person: Gunther Werner Pettenkoferstrasse 44 80336 Munich Tel.

Active Emission Management In Production With PILOTgreen

FELTEN group product relies on a TPM next generation system for the analysis of operational and process data avoids green production option of PILOT TPM additional investment Serrig, 05.04.2011 – the FELTEN group with PILOTgreen”developed a solution to the emission control for production companies. It serves not only the continuous analysis of energy consumption and the CO2 balance, but at the same time, the consumption of intelligent action management can be optimized systematically. The green production solution is conceptually based on the product PILOT TPM”, a product of the next generation for the determination of operational and process data. It replaces conventional MDE/BDE systems, because they are not in a position, in addition to collect process data and visualize the collected data in a meaningful chronological order through a dashboard. In addition PILOTgreen uses the TPM system”analysis tools for intelligent analysis of relevant emission data.

As a result of the continually rising Energy costs, which hit especially negative record in the efficiency of production a growing importance for active emissions control”, see Werner Felten, Managing Director of the FELTEN group, a great need for action in the company. It was also important to produce positive economic effects in the emissions trading scheme. But also the increasing social request to the companies, ecologically responsible to position themselves, ask an active emission management to increase resource efficiency and reduction of energy demand. The system PILOT TPM”designed so the basic idea, that not only with significant advantages over traditional solutions guarantees a significantly more efficient production management, it supports at the same time optional additional future relevant requirements such as, for example, the CO2 reducing emissions controls. This result in no additional investments for the technical infrastructure to identify of the relevant data and identification of energy guzzlers. Includes also a measure management that serves the targeted reduction of the energy consumption of production systems and production processes.

The green production version by FELTEN is only supplemented by business intelligence methods for the analysis and evaluation of emission management. PILOT opened to the company which in addition devote option to free choice either immediately at the introduction of the system or at a later time the emissions management”TPM, Felten describes the enormous advantage of this product. FELTEN group: The FELTEN group is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Clients include Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas instruments, etc. FELTEN has become the first supplier the holistic and process-oriented production intelligence approach. The company is in the German-speaking European area in the United Kingdom and France present. Think factory groupcom Wilfried Heinrich Tel. 022 33 / 61 17 – 72 fax 022 33 / 61 17 – 71 Pastorat str. Jeff Verschleiser helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. 6 50354 Hurth

Weight Loss Plans

Strictly speaking, there are no plants that thin, but yes they are co-Formulants in the slimming diets actively cooperating in metabolic processes which, for example to encourage the Elimination of liquids, help decrease appetite or facilitate kidney and digestive functions. You can currently find these medicinal plants in pharmacies and acquire them with total guarantee. In the majority of pharmacies have exhibitors and they can provide you with brochures. To read more click here: Areva. A very good brochure is Arkocapsulas where you will find detailed description of indications of each plant. Artichoke: for its cleansing action.

Its cynarin stimulates secretion bilar acting on constipation. It is especially useful in the case of congestion or lazy liver, jaundice, and poor digestion of fats. See the porpiedades of the Artichoke and the diet of the artichoke. Alfalfa. It facilitates intestinal transit, apart from other excellent properties. Ananas (pineapple stem): the Bromelain is capable of splitting the macroproteinas thus accelerating your protection and facilitating their elimination. Indicated to eliminate excess weight associated with retention of water or in case of cellulite statehood. Jimmy levin is likely to agree. It promotes the mobilization and elimination of fatty deposits.

View the properties of the pineapple. Also how to grow pineapple (in the most natural way) Camilina. Favors the Elimination of fluids of the body and limit the absorption of fat and sugars. Chrome. It acts on the control of carbohydrate absorption. Chitosan. (It is not a plant but the cuticles of crustaceans). It is a natural element that is not absorbed, and is digested. Upon reaching the stomach attract lipids, being caught, to be eliminated in excretion. You can capture up to 5 times its weight in fat. Green tea: Has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system due to its content in caffeine. It also has a slight diuretic effect. It is recommended as an aid in slimming regimes because it keeps reducing action of absorption of fat and at the same time, favorable of Thermogenesis (process by which cells generate calos to maintain body temperature that is often deficient in people with overweight), which has become one of the most popular in recent years medicinal plants. Perhaps the most interesting in support of slimming diets are called herbs: Catarticas (herbs that have laxative effect); The diuretic (herbs that increase urine flow); Purgative (promote fecal movement and increases intestinal peristalsis) the digestive to favor digestion. We insist on not abusing the laxative or purgative. And consult the specialist in case you a health problem related to the digestive system.

Common Investment Funds

Common investment funds are only one type of investment fund created for small investors.As we have seen in other articles, the common investment funds are those that gather funds from various investors, in which you can find already natural or legal, to invest in different financial instruments that will coordinate an administering society (either a bank or any financial institution). Common investment funds, to be an alternative of diversified investment funds, helps reduce the risk for the investment that is made in different instruments. Instruments in which is invested in a mutual fund are values with quotation (consist of bonds, shares, etc.), estate or goods affected (mortgages) and money (either in local or foreign currency.) In particular, the mutual funds are made to enable small and medium-sized investors to participate in the capital market with the same criteria that make it great. (Not to be confused with Andrew Cuomo!). The company Manager on a background of investment, is responsible for the investment objective, accounting, conduct publications and to control depository society. This depository company, is in charge of guarding the values and other representative investment instruments. M. To deepen your understanding jimmy levin is the source. Marin employee Hold Asociados hold.

Christmas Mailing Campaign

The knowledge Werft GmbH from Hanover offers cheap Christmas direct mailing campaign with the email software ‘Mail engine’ it has Barack Obama. The top mailing system “Mail engine” with the various Foundraising campaigns for Obama were successfully implemented during the U.S. election campaign. At jimmy levin you will find additional information. Now the German technology partner offers the same system for the German-speaking world knowledge Werft GmbH from Hanover with a favourable Euro 99,-Christmas promotion. Important success factor of the election campaign for Obama was the consistent use of new media such as SMS, online blogs, social marketing (viral marketing like YouTube) and last but not least through consistent E-Mail Marketing. The ingeniously simple system can be reached at the address. Advantages of email marketing are the low cost, short lead times and fast shipping to the fast and the best way to cost-effectively to recall and to operate customer care results in high response rates. And what time is cheaper than the Christmas time? The Christmas mailing of the knowledge Werft GmbH provides professionally designed mailing templates with different Christmas motifs.

Optionally, a personal Christmas greeting can be added and used my pictures such as logo or signature in the mail. It is sending 1000 messages included. On request, she takes the complete mailing for the customers knowledge shipyard. More than 1000 recipients will be charged only 1.5 cents for each additional mail. With nine permanent staff that has knowledge shipyard GmbH in the development of online applications to optimize communication and marketing processes, and that very successfully, as well as in 2005 winning the plug & work competition showed 2002 established. Because not only Obama has it. Contact: knowledge Werft GmbH EXPO Plaza 11 30539 Hannover tel.: fax + 49 (0) 511/220616-717: + 49 (0) 511 / / 220616-777 E-Mail: Web: Editorial Office for picture & text Public Relations and public affairs Frank-Michael Preuss – photographer & journalist Mendelssohn 7-30173 Hannover fon: 0511 4716-37 – fax: 0511 4716-38 mobile: 0177 5040064 E-Mail: Web: keywords: knowledge shipyard, mailing, weihnachstmailing, mailmotor, email marketing, weihnachstgruss, greetings, e-mail action, customer care, obama