The aid approved by the Government in the Cabinet to drive the purchase of electrical vehicles they will have to be asked for before the month of December, according to already appears reflected in the Government reporter of the State. Through a decree the concession of subsidy for the acquisition of electrical vehicles was approved in the Council during 2011, something that is fitted within the Integral Plan of Impulse to the Electrical Vehicle in Spain 2010-2014. The Executive will subsidize to account con72 million Euros to impel this sustainable project. By each vehicle it will be possible to be destined until a maximum of 6,000 Euros including the batteries, for the particular users and private fleets. Also 25% of the gross price of acquisition of other electrical vehicles like buses, buses or vans will be subsidized, with a maximum of 15,000 or 30,000 Euros, following type of vehicle and autonomy The aid will be granted to the acquisitions of new electrical vehicles, operations of financing by renting of vehicles, that take place as of Wednesday 11 of May and whose requests are registered in the telematics system of management of the subsidy before the 1 of December of 2011, or until the exhaustion of the bottoms, if this circumstance took place previously.
Month: May 2014
Religious Futurists
The Islo is the second religion with bigger number of fidiciary offices, behind only of the Christianity, according to CIA World Factbook of 2005. In accordance with the World Network of Religious Futurists, and the U.S. Center will be World Mission the islamismo would more quickly be growing in number of believers of any another religion. The islamismo today is dominated by the traditionalism, worried about the maintenance of old practical rituals and, as the use of the veil for the women. They still exist current that they intend to conciliate the Isl with aspects of modernity, that they are mainly active in the United States of America.
To the similarity of what it happens in the judaism and the Christianity, the islamismo also is marked by the existence of integristas or fundamentalist said movements. The Islamic traditions are based on the Alcoran, the said ones of the prophet (hadith) and on the interpretations of these sources for the theologians. Throughout the last centuries, a trend for the conservadorismo has been verified, with new interpretations sights as undesirable. Xari old had a much more flexible character of what that one today associated with the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), and many Islamic Muslim academics believe that it must be renewed, and that the classic jurists would have to lose its special statute. This implies the necessity to formulate new fiqh that it is practicable in the modern world, as considered for the defenders of the islamizao of the knowledge, and would go to deal with the modern context. This movement does not intend to modify the basic points of the islamismo, but yes to prevent harms interpretations and to free the way for the renewal of the previous statute of the Islamic world as a center of modern thought and freedom.