Tiberius Caesar

By that time he had composed a famous collection of decrees of popes and councils with valuable comments own decisions. He decided this monk undertake the colossal company calculate the date of birth of Christ, which had some useful information that the Gospels could bring. Thus, San Lucas took the fact that at the beginning of his public life Jesus was about 30 years (cf. 3.23). This was a good start.

But in what year began his public life? A few verses earlier had the answer: in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (Lc 3.1). When Christ came to the Center.-confronting long tables of dates and chronologies, Dionisio deduced that the 15th year of Tiberius, in which Jesus came to preach, corresponded to 783 U. C. Now well, subtracting the 30 years of the life of Jesus he obtained that he had been born in 753 u. C. To place Jesus Christ at the beginning of a new era, 754 u. C.

had become the year 755 year 2, and so on. After each number Dionisio added the initials d. C., i.e. after Christ. To the years prior to the birth of Christ, on the other hand, a. C., labeled them i.e. before Christ. This new calendar the foundation of Rome not appeared more in year 1, but in 753 BC C. And Dionysius, who was living at that time in year 1275 of the Roman calendar (u. C.), was that he lived in the 526 new Christian era. How big will have been the excitement of the monk to become so the first man who knew in what year after Christ was! The idea of the new calendar was an extraordinary success, and immediately began to be applied in Rome. It came shortly after the Gallic (the current France) and England. It would take a little even to be accepted in Spain: in Catalonia it is adopted only from 1180; in Aragon, from 1350 Christmas; in 1358 he admits it in Valencia; in Castile since 1383.

Carlos Miguelez Periodista

However, it is convenient to adapt to a model based on the repetition of concepts. These rigid systems do not need millions of euros in taxes of citizens with the right to a quality education that prepares children for a changing future requires people capable of solving problems, not automatons. The University is a unique opportunity for one free search more for the foundation of rigid concepts. In the absence of new theories, all discipline has static parts, but a teacher can not be limited to repeat year after year a program content without seeking new currents of thought to contrast them with the material always. As the student, the teacher is a University that seeks and that He knows to ask questions to find important answers.

Teachers who have more us marked are not those who best knew their agenda, but those that provoked us, we invited to read, to think, to look for good sources, to question, to propose, to awaken a new gaze. Learn more on the subject from Frank Giacalone. This lineage of teachers is unable to provide two identical classes. The arrival of the Internet, with all its possibilities, announces the dawn of a true University for which the physical space is the least. In its beginnings, the master and his disciples gathered in the atriums of churches or outdoor outdoor, in temples or in the air. What was important was the sharing message. The convening power of the teacher marked space. Blogs, forums, virtual classrooms that thousands of European and North American universities already use so the teacher can share reading material open to comments of students avoided converting university students in learning of data objects. Combined with relevant tutorials, discussions and masterclasses that they can only offer teachers prepared for the present, we forjaremos subjects capable of putting their knowledge at the service of society who need them. Carlos Miguelez Periodista original author and source of the article.

Missiology 04

Continuation of the transcript of the recording recording of the class: then that theology of the divinization is interesting. In Orthodox theology, because even it bases all Orthodox liturgy; precisely tries to show, or live this mystery of divinization, which, in Christ, men are called to enter into communion with the divine. That is why the liturgy of 2 hours and all edges and all the rite of the Eucharist in the Orthodox Christian environment, has all that meaning of divinization. Us in Latin Western theology, have accentuated a Jesucristo Salvador. The God who saves us.

The theology of liberation has accentuated this liberating Christ. Each of these statements are not mutually exclusive, they are fully the Christological accentuations. Then complement among if. But do not lose sight that Christology has a purpose. The son of God is embodied with a specific purpose, that humanity can reconcile with the divinity. With the father. That humanity may be freed of that sin that prevents communication with God. THE child has had a specific mission.

The Mission of saving mankind where born that mission?, is an initiative of the child? We started talking about a text document of the Second Vatican Council, (Adgentes) this claim actually summarizes all Trinitarian theological foundations, and eclesioolgicos of the Church. What it is? He is the father, who has taken the initiative to send the son to reconcile the world to himself. This initiative of the father, he joins, and joins the son dutifully. A subsidiary relationship, a divine filiation, that relationship of communion of obedience which the son gives to the father. Not only the Mission of the son, but also the Mission of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, to start the Church. Then the father gives us his love to the world. He donates his love to the world, but donates in son both God loved the world, that has sent his only son so that this world can know the love of the father.

Following Stress

Often, especially at the end of the summer, is frequent media make the condition of the so-called post-holiday stress echo throughout much of the active population, which suffers from stress in the return to work. Well, now know that following stress also exists and that it is possible that workers will be stressed before the arrival of the so long-awaited summer holidays by, among other things, the acquisition of a cheap flight. But why us vacation stressed?Impatience by rest and the burden by defining what will be our vacation plan and find, for example, cheap flights to Barcelona or travel bargains usually the most common causes of stress before the arrival of holidays, coming to cause anxiety, irritability, drowsiness and even anguish in workers eager for a period of relaxation. The truth is that stress is usually a State inherent in the changes and, in this sense, during the holidays we interrupt our routine, breaking assisted automation systems to Journal and, in many cases, generating stressful tensions arising from the burden. The accumulation of work at the turn of the holidays, the travel costs, impatience by the arrival of the days of relaxation or the preparation of the plan of rest are among the most common thoughts that can trigger the following stress.