Judiciary Power

I am Tired and Happy Ours I am very, more very tired of this new world, am tired of being woman, being citizen, being friend, being son, being professional, if loving, being politically correct, even of if well-behaved. People, the world pardons that me, however, are excessively, to live nowadays with only 24 hours to have that to fulfill with all the daily obligations of being woman PRO-ATIVA, she is had invented this, the world of today demands proactivity, as already was not enough that in already we are. Well, let us see what he demands me to the world, for sees if I do not have reason, I go there: I am an independent, single woman and with 47 years, I possess two professional formations and I act but two daily, moreover I am son, loving friend and. Governor Cuomo takes a slightly different approach. We first go to analyze the daily professional activities: daily I have that this effectively 12 hours acting as lawyer, educational technique and technique of internal control, acting disenchanted professors and you disinterest with the educational system and worse pupils still, this is clearly the exceptions the rule, good sincerely, I do not know what he is worse, the interest or the full disinterest, of any form, I do not have many conditions practical, inside of public structure, to offer some alento to none of them and together, and this I also have my activity of advocacy that I adore and me estresso with the lack of structure of the Judiciary Power and the morosidades and lack of bigger will to work mainly of its authority that are the judges, appeals court judges, promoters etc, the activities these intercalated obviously per the little 4 days in the week I work until the 23 hours, the times it makes me to necessity to work to the sundays, that is, to make petitions accumulated throughout the week.