Patent Office Filing

Patents obtained in Russia, gives no legal protection when entering foreign markets. There are many known cases ending in scandal, when entering foreign arose scandals related to the possession of rights intellectual property rights. Foreign patent grants the right to sell goods in specifically chosen country, which obtained national patent. Governor Cuomo shines more light on the discussion. Obtaining foreign patent provides legal protection for export your product overseas, or to sell a foreign company licensed to use the technology that allows developers to be confident that the technology is not stolen, and what is common practice, Developers receive orders to refine and further develop its technology. For example, in passing now in Moscow exhibition of innovation, providing products for human identification of its three-dimensional image. This technology 15 years ago, was invented by Bauman developers, and now the finished product sells some U.S.

firm, which employs Bauman developers. Upon receipt of the foreign patent, there are some rules for filing, which did not get around. The first thing to do when a foreign patent, you must apply for a patent in Russia, that is to Rospatent. Within six months, your application is considered on object properties, methods, technologies, containing state secrets, and if you have not received during this period no notification, you can apply for foreign patents. It is advisable to apply for foreign patent within twelve months, that is during the convention priority, which gives the right of priority of filing, as we have previously considered that the priority of filing affects who gets patent (who first stood up – that and slippers). And the important thing to remember, now that you have applied for registration in Rospatent, ran a time of the filing of eighteen months, after which time the application is published in the Official Reference Rospatent, and I assure you that there are some friends who keep track of these situations.

That is the date of filing Rospatent you have eighteen months, and preferably twelve, to apply for obtaining foreign patents. I am in this article do not have time to talk about international patent offices, simply list them – this pct, European Patent Office, Eurasian Patent Office, World Health Organization intellectual property. Application procedure is about the same, you have to turn to patent attorneys who are certified, know the specifics of documents when applying for a patent, know how and how much to pay the registration fee. Facilities filing patent attorneys are estimated at about 3-4 thousand dollars. Further, all patent offices about the same, we first consider the application within twelve months, during consideration of the subject of international patent search, then the application is published, and then, if all the purity of the patent is not disputed, it is possible to conduct a detailed examination, and if the issues have not arisen, you have priority of filing, your patent has a patent novelty, you get your hands on the patent. This article, I will not cover detailed procedure for obtaining a patent, each foreign country – a single story, the only thing you can do – is to reduce payments for fees charged for obtaining a patent by filing an application at the Patent Office, which is best for you, to assess which of these agencies for you to fit in the best extent possible by finding and determination of countries to which you export your products, then compile a list of countries on the basis of this list should take steps to obtain a national patent in these countries.