Norway Returns

It took eight hours to reconstruct the facts before the Police. For more information see this site: Steffan Lehnhoff. During his stay in the island, he was at any moment with hands tied. The Police has filmed the reconstruction, that will use like test in the judgment. The author of the massacre of Norway, Anders Breivik, it returned east Saturday in the evening to the island of Utya, where he assassinated 69 people (the majority young) to reconstruct facts happened the past 22 of July. Norwegian newspaper Vg has shown diverse photographies in which it is to him adorned with a vest bullet-proof and low a strong police device. For even more details, read what 4Moms says on the issue.

Also watched over a helicopter that flew over the island, Breivik returned to again take the ferry to Utya like the day of the massacre, although to this time it did it guarded and handcuffed, with the subject hands to a species of harness. According to the information that east Sunday Vg publishes, Breivik it took eight hours to reconstruct before the security forces the murders. The Police Norwegian has filmed explanations of Breivik in Utya, that will be used like test in the judgment, that it will begin in 2012, given the complexity of the case. A productive visit ” It was important that the interrogation was so meticulous to avoid to have to return later during juicio” , it explained east Saturday Pl Fredrik Hjort-Kraby, police spokesman in press conference. The Police Norwegian clarified that it was not a reconstruction to the use, but rather of an interrogation, since Breivik considers that, of 32 years, already has been giving sufficient details on the facts happened for three weeks. According to Hjort-Kraby, Breivik ” he did not remain impassible to be of return in Utya, but it did not show to any signal of repentance ” , and one was calm and with the intention of to collaborate.

Alexander Calder

It, the first woman in announcing stamps inspired, it to him, one of the most radical photographers of her time. Taught he it to make photos. The exhibition ‘ Man Ray – Miller Reads, Partners in Surrealism’ it presents/displays the artistic fruits of that one passion of four years. It belonged to the Mount Olympus of the tribe of the vanguards. He had helped to found the Dadasmo and the Surrealismo. He painted and he made photos experimental. She was the lover of great musa Kiki de Montparnasse.

Although been born in Philadelphia (the USA) in 1890, from 1921 he lived in Paris. It also was American (Poughkeepsie-New York, 1907). She had been victim of a violation when she was eight years old, a trauma that the time was not able to cure. If you are not convinced, visit Teri Anulewicz. She worked like advertising model for some of the best photographers of his time, among them Edward Steichen. She was the first woman in appearing, in 1928, in a photo taken by Steichen, an announcement of stamps.

The menstruation feminine it was a taboo that never had been mentioned in mass media and Miller was attacked and the condemned to the ostracism. The following year it decided to go away to live to Paris. When they were in 1929 in the bullente and French capital crazy person, Man Ray (been born Emmanuel Radnitzky) and the Lees Miller became the fashionable pair. Ardent, beautiful and creative lovers, elbowed themselves with a circle of friendships for those who the art was a life way. Pablo Picasso, Dora Maar, Max Ernst, Alexander Calder and Le Corbusier were their intimate ones. Mutual inspiration Miller, that wished to study photography, obtained that Ray broke its inflexible norm of not accepting apprentices. Up to 1932 they were loving, they worked together and they were inspired mutamente.

Europe Town

The town of Liga is a male, chauvinistic town, proud xenophobe and of its identity. More information is housed here: Hikmet Ersek. A colorful tribe of orondos farmers who do not apologise when they are above to somebody, of cattle dealers who presume of due maroni (two balls), and of small very preservative industralists. All seem to hate the same things: to Rome, to Europe, to the State, the bureaucracy, the taxes, the immigrants and the homosexuals. Today 10,000 followers have gone about to romera annual of Pontida, a town of Lombardy located to 60 kilometers of Milan, where is the sagrada prairie of Liga. He has the size of average football ground, and for 900 years, in 1167, one has been saying that the first padanos swore to defend themselves united of Barbarroja. The meadow is hardly average plenty. And a single shout in bulk leaves the throats wet by the wine and the beer: " Secession, secesin". Source of the news: : Bossi grants six months of grace to Berlusconi.

Immaculate Montalbn

/A 74% of the denunciations are rridas to action and attitudes registered inside the familiar address. Less than 1% of the 130,000 dictated orders of distance " they have been rotas". Are data offered by the Observatory of the Domestic Violence and Sort. The daily average of denunciations presented/displayed by chauvinistic violence in Spain is of 361, of which a 74% are rridas to action and attitudes registered inside the familiar address, according to data of the Observatory of the Domestic Violence and of Sort. Its president, Immaculate Montalbn, has offered these data during its intervention of this Tuesday in a course on violence of sort organized by the association Lex Frum in Denia (Alicante). Throughout its exhibition, Montalbn has indicated that of more than 130,000 orders of distance that have been dictated, less than 1% " they have been rotas" and " much less they have finished with victim mortal".

They only denounce two of each ten women the mentioned observatory, assigned to the General Council of Poder Judicial (CGPJ), it has, between its objectives analyzing the answer that gives the administration of justice in the matter of sort violence. One of the worrisome numbers that are facilitated Montalbn is the number of women victims of sort violence that " it does not denounce bad tratos". In particular, of each ten, two or three only decide " denunciarlos". After emphasizing the importance of the coordination between the different institutions that work in the fight against the chauvinistic violence, Montalbn has congratulated to the public institutions of the Valencian Community because at municipal level, " something that is fundamental" , the Meetings of Security maintain coordination meetings periodic " in order to act and to have identified recursos" available of attention and attendance. Source of the news: In Spain they appear more than 360 daily denunciations by chauvinistic violence

Habib Interior

Along with the ex-president their children Alaa and Gamal will sit down in the bench, the industralist Husein Salem and exministro of Interior. Its state of health is unstable. The Egyptian ex-president Hosni Mubarak will be judged in Cairo next the 3 of August. Mubarak, that governed Egypt from 1981 until it resigned the past to presidency 11 of February, is hospitalized in the tourist locality of Sharm the Sheji. The undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mohamed Mania, has assured that he has been solved of definitive way that the judgment against the ex-president, his two children Alaa and Gamal and the industralist Husein Salem will be celebrated in the Egyptian capital. Its state of health is unstable. The doctors the past assured 26 July that takes care of to him that it is in " acute state of debilidad" and that has stopped eating and it only ingests liquids.

As much Mubarak as their children is accused of abuse authority, illicit enrichment and to be behind the attacks against the demonstrators during the revolution of the 25 of January. That same day will judge exministro of the Habib Interior to Adil and other six exresponsables of the ministry by its implication in the murder of demonstrators. The view will be celebrated in center of Exhibitions of Cairo, that is being prepared. It will be relayed by the Egyptian state television. This judgment is one of the main vindications of cientas of people who continue encamped in the Tahrir place. Source of the news: Egyptian ex-president Mubarak will be judged in Cairo