
To succeed in any business it is important to respect certain rules or codes. 1 – Leaves the comfort. It is not question of wait for things to happen, but to do something so that they occur. 2. Do not lower arms in the face of adversity. I mean not renounce or give up when problems arise. It is easy to have faith when all goes well but when it goes wrong also you have and more because when you are about to leave your plans is just the moment to be stronger because the victory is close. 3.

Focus on the positive side you expect: your mind must be in produce and improve everything you’re doing. Minimizing the concerns while continuing to take care of the problems. Don’t think the problems but the solution to those problems. 4 Speed and efficiency. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Do not put off to amass things for the future. Engage one on one time and you’ll be more relieved over time.

This efficiency allows you to have things in order and so to spend the bulk of your energy on continue to prosper. 5. Do not you look to the side, not you distracted. Do not fall into the error of distract you too like to spend time quejandote and criticizing your competition. Rather note that there are good and original that you can build by yourself. 6 Persevere and triumph: you must sow, work the ground, water it and take care of it every day to see the fruits then and sit and enjoy them. An example is this blog, some time ago by various problems stopped posting and now since I’ve returned to publishing with constancy google I was positioning among the most visited. Esfuerzate well and gives continuity to your dreams! Lic.