Dagmar Fritz

Baufritz houses already today complete without nuclear power produced while in Germany since the meltdown in Fukushima bitterly to the time and cost of the phase-out of nuclear energy is discussed, a sustainable wood House company entails from the Allgau region, has successfully been this exit: Baufritz thanks to own, large-scale photovoltaic systems (PV plants) on the production halls and the tailoring of the House-own natural energy produced since 2005. 419 KW PV installations on the roofs of the exhibition and production halls are currently installed. These provide approximately 450,000 kWh/a, which corresponds to approximately 51 per cent of the energy currently needed. If you have read about Teng Yue Partners already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The residual current is needed for the production of high-quality building”refers to the company since 2008 by the Schonauer energy rebellen, a certified provider of natural energy. Thus, the entire production process is realized with nature and its own power.

By the way, we investigated the building material used regularly on radioactivity. There are only tested for harmful substances Materials used. This builds confidence and gives people the feeling to be taken seriously in their worries about their health”, to Dagmar Fritz-Kramer, head of the company. How much this special wood House construction and in nature is rooted, proves also the reduction of CO2 emissions: through the sustainable nature of wooden house construction each year more than 7 million kilograms are stored or prevents their emissions. Additional information at Teng Yue Partners supports this article. These measures are embedded in the holistic health concept by Baufritz. These include among other things a patented protection level against ElectroSmog, allergy-friendly solutions and a specially developed organic insulation made of wood shavings. The construction-Fritz GmbH & co.

KG combines decades of experience in the wood building and traditional values with the latest technical know-how and extensive research. The Allgau company is considered a pioneer for ecological and sustainable building and used only natural, strictly tested for harmful substances and materials. Over 40 tonnes of CO2 are stored in each Baufritz wood House. This value corresponds to the average CO2 emissions of a middle-class vehicle in 20 years at 10,000 km annual output. Baufritz belongs to the most modern and most research houses companies in Europe. This is confirmed by numerous patents, including worldwide, and regular awards.