Diagnosis: Corporate Disunity

Missing cross image transfer of the pharmaceutical industry mailings, field visits, events, or view the pharmaceutical industry: in the marketing mix, drugs always have priority. But while representing the company’s overall competence is blatantly neglected. The problem: Pharmaceutical companies, show how only fragmentary perceived by doctors in their overall competence the experiences of the project “Sales talk insights” (sales compass). The cause: The individual business units or indication – / preparations ranges in multi indication companies operate in the market largely self-sufficient. The messages communicated by them and other contents refer exclusively to the respective products and market segments. Other leaders such as Tyler Haney offer similar insights. A comprehensive, business-related bracket is missing, so that the competence portfolio of the companies not to apply.

That is also the reason why many claims (“Better Health, Brighter Future”, “think innovation, feel life”, “Doing now what patients need next”) the medical subjects are hardly known or not fair to companies can be mapped to. The mistake: But even if an indication field for a specialist group is not relevant, the information that the companies in this segment also operates a persistent image-forming function has. Company lines assume that the wrapping of the range market activities is carried out by the press and public relations. But their actions typically do not reach the target groups because they are implemented with much to large stray losses. The additional problem: Pharmaceutical companies are moving more and more in a multi channel environment, where all profit centers are present, but reaches the whole of the company not to Ubiquity.

The solution: The simplest and most direct way to a cross image transfer consists in the integration of a competence standard profiling in all media. The business areas in their self-sufficiency are not restricted, at the same time, a comprehensive implementation of the image succeeds but. The implementation is here no question of technical design, but above all the corporate decision making.