Financial Globalization

The solution was easy: go to foreign banks to lend money to them, because something is globalization. With that, the money that I, this morning, I joined the Central Office Savings Bank of San Quirze of Safaja may be that afternoon in Illinois, because there is a bank which my Savings Bank has I borrowed money to lend it to a ninja. Of course, Illinois does not know that the money comes from my people, and I know that my money would be deposited in an institution as I Savings Bank, began to be at some risk. Neither does the Director of the Office of my box, who knows, and presumes "that working on a serious institution. If you are not convinced, visit Macy’s Inc.. Nor does the President of the Savings Bank, which only knows that he has reversed some of the money of its investors in a bank in the U.S..

2nd comment: globalization has its advantages but also disadvantages and dangers. The people of San Quirze not know they are taking a risk in the U.S. and when it starts to read that there are subprime mortgages, he thinks: "What these Americans are crazy!" In addition, it appears that there are "Basel Standards" requiring banks worldwide that have a minimum capital in relation to their assets. To oversimplify, the Balance Sheet of the Bank of Illinois is: ASSETS LIABILITIES Cash Money Fund which had provided other bank loans million Capital Reserves TOTAL X X million the Basel rules require that the Capital of the Bank not less than a specified percentage Assets.