Following Stress

Often, especially at the end of the summer, is frequent media make the condition of the so-called post-holiday stress echo throughout much of the active population, which suffers from stress in the return to work. Well, now know that following stress also exists and that it is possible that workers will be stressed before the arrival of the so long-awaited summer holidays by, among other things, the acquisition of a cheap flight. But why us vacation stressed?Impatience by rest and the burden by defining what will be our vacation plan and find, for example, cheap flights to Barcelona or travel bargains usually the most common causes of stress before the arrival of holidays, coming to cause anxiety, irritability, drowsiness and even anguish in workers eager for a period of relaxation. The truth is that stress is usually a State inherent in the changes and, in this sense, during the holidays we interrupt our routine, breaking assisted automation systems to Journal and, in many cases, generating stressful tensions arising from the burden. The accumulation of work at the turn of the holidays, the travel costs, impatience by the arrival of the days of relaxation or the preparation of the plan of rest are among the most common thoughts that can trigger the following stress.