Marketing Seminar

In the trade fair city of Hanover, Fundamentals of marketing meet considering the question of how to create successful marketing is not only for professionals in the field of sales management increasingly the diversity of today’s advertising opportunities. Essential core elements of marketing remain indispensable despite growing media diversity. The procurement of all relevant information include (screening) on the market, as well as the release of matching advertisements (signalling). Screening and signalling screening for example means, to be informed about the needs of the target group of the own product or know the differences of similar products when compared to their own. Best practices for the procurement of information in marketing are for example market research, product-related benchmarking or surveys of customer satisfaction. In the subsequent signalling, information about the invariant properties of the own product in a well recognizable core message are emitted through the marketing. While it depends on the To make to fit to the own product advertising and also to the needs of the intended target group identified in the screening. The fair trade as a marketing tool is a particularly expressive tool in the marketing mix, because it allows direct communication with customers, suppliers and competitors.

At the presentation of their products at a trade fair which takes place screening and signaling in a sort of microcosm in a limited time in a small space. So, visit a trade fair offers the chance to inform compact space about the latest products of the major competitors. In addition to these excellent possibilities for screening, signalling is the main goal at a trade fair, for example the CEBIT in Hannover. Opportunities at the Produktpasentation take advantage of signalling on the fair means to present the customers life their own products and their benefits. Thus the advantage to get feedback on its products in dialogue with clients immediately connects for the provider.

This is the easiest way to get suggestions for improving future product. In the conversation with customers, prospective customers, but also competitors the Exhibitor WINS at the same time valuable insights about the target audience and the competitors. Learn fundamentals of marketing in the trade fair city of Hanover as the acquisition and transmission of information can be made, explains the experienced marketing expert Gunther Wolf in two seminars in Hanover. Both seminars provide an overview of all the important basics of marketing. The seminar “basics marketing” at the 16th and 17.08.2011 particularly suitable for new recruits or career changers in marketing, which would acquire profound basic knowledge. In this two-day seminar in the trade fair city of Hanover, the participants can deepen theoretical knowledge with practical examples and discuss their own experiences. Crash-course marketing staff from sales and sales, as well as executives from other areas can alternatively, located in the one-day intensive course on the 18.08.2011 compact theoretical basic knowledge in marketing to acquire.