Mexico Dialogue

The holistic education proposes education for global citizenship and planetary, i.e. education for interdependence consciousness. Possess an awareness of the action that trespasses the town to be inserted in the universal context; possessing a new and deeper awareness of the responsibility that any individual action might impact the whole of other human beings. In the book dialogues holistas highlights the need to establish dialogue as a necessary and very useful tool to achieve consensus and resolve conflicts, ability of utmost importance for the holistic education. To this purpose Gerzon argues that what is needed is dialogue, not the conversation, since one can penetrate more deeply in persons handling frames, traditions and different purposes; being able to achieve generate common meanings, have a shared vision and a common goal. The capacity for dialogue would be one of the central themes of a policy holistic-oriented towards the search for integrity and not fragmented communities. In Mexico needs a policy that don’t confront people but a holistic dialogue-based politics, the democratic relationship and valuing diversity. With regard to spirituality is an individual, natural and direct experience of the sacred, of the transcendent, the ultimate foundation that is the essence of everything that exists.

Spirituality is cross-cultural and can not be affected by the ideas of fashion or social or economic needs. Its cosmic context is transhistorical placing beyond time and space. In the book of dialogues holistas Ramon Gallegos adds that compassion since spirituality is a great interest in helping others; Gallegos mentioned that having compassion is love, genuine interest, and not too bad. He adds that the perennial philosophy is the vision that explores the nature of spirituality and is where are the responses of the great questions of life. It is the original source of the transcendental wisdom, it is the space where they come together all the religions to discuss, meet and recognize what they have in common.