Necessary Hiring Coach

Coaching is a process through which the coach interacts with the coachee in order to achieve reach previously raised targets and achieve extraordinary results through conversations provocative to reveal if same person and develop their full potential.The technique of coaching and its terminology, comes from the sports area, we all know as athletes that are in a given area, always accompanies them a personal trainer that helps them in the process for achieving the set objectives and conquer otherwise extraordinary results. It is well known that oneself can not see their points blind (johari window), i.e., those facets of our lives in which we are not entirely right-handed, or we could catalog weaknesses that are installed on our way to act and be but do not know, do not have awareness of them, and that somehow are preventing us from achieving the cherished goal, to hire the services of a coach, the truth is revealed by This, since as a respectful witness of the learning process of the coachee, lets see, as mirror of truth, those elements of his personality, such as how to act, the manner of speaking, or style relate, they could be hampering him the achievement of its objectives. All we have in our personalities blind spots, all unknown areas of our lives in which we aren’t right-handed but others if they see it and know it, to hire a coach, simply we open ourselves to listening from outside is what they have to tell us about those blind spots that have become stumbling blocks on the road to victory and success both personally and professionally. Likewise we could say that in the process of coaching, coach discovers jointly with customer skills, strengths, unknown talents, and power them and channelled so that the client can use them as support towards the achievement of the stated goal.In the process of coahcing evolution and growth in both personal as professional of the subject is accelerating, since the coach acts as a catalyst for processes, to help you do more than he has done previously or of what is believed to be able to do, and this obviously constitutes an important added value.Finally, to hire the services of a coach, either for life or for professional development, the broad person your way of thinking, questioning their paradigms, flexibility to adapt and be open to the changes, which will allow you to leave your comfort zone and explore new territories. MARIA TIRONEEconomistEspecialista in HumanosCoaching resources empresarialCoaching for life you can participate by click on the following link of the forum for discussion of the Prosperiodad group: live in abundance: #post23507 original author and source of the article.