Pocket Community

International social community Studymee for pupils and students is multilingual and worldwide reach online. BERLIN. Studymee.com students compare their qualifications and achievements from around the world at the age of 16 with the demands of other countries. You edit and share with fellow students homework, learning AIDS, specialist work, exams and tips, make available their knowledge, benefit from the inspiration of the community and are working together on projects. Uni in your Pocket”in online – pocket-size personal study is particularly noteworthy here. Students define all important study materials in your personal area and have as their studies at any time available in your pocket.” Also they gather about all current and useful in cities and at universities worldwide. Interesting contacts can be quickly and easily build and maintain, parties in the area find, communities of interest groups, upload files and stories or pictures and videos on the replace the virtual market place TubeMee”via file sharing. We offer fun and communication factor of existing portals with similar target groups beyond real values for student life, without forgetting, that live and study must mean fun! The contents of any private user data will be released over three levels.

The user decides, what data who may be viewed and thus individually controls his privacy”, as founder and managing director Dennis Hoffmann. The protection of personal information and a responsible use of these is one of the most important principles of Studymee. The sense of a community is to draw from the Group force, together with other fun. “The feeling of the operator to be exploited, is here totally misplaced”, so Dennis Hoffmann. With the beta version, the portal international at the start comes to unlimited to connect students and to promote the quality of education each individual community interactive. Studymee is ad-free and free of charge for students. The operation and financing be ensured by hand by the five founders. Conclusion: Studymee is a mirror image of student life.

Apart from the functions useful to the study of provides that free portal keep everything to get to know, contacts, chat, flirt and have fun. Students all over the world to gather and interact with fellow students around the globe. Contact: Studymee GmbH Metzer str. 45, 10405 Berlin, Germany