Then I had to identify at what were different from others, following the guidelines global company. It was a very beautiful and interesting job because, as a successful working group, us diferenciabamos of the rest of the countries and the main differentiating elements were precisely in our essence of venezolanidad. A spontaneous, creative, hardworking and very intelligent people in responding to the working pressure. Germans and Spaniards couldn’t understand how we could achieve such levels of billing with so few people and astonished the quality of offered solutions and the positive response from customers. We were all a case study. This experience allowed me to understand the main element of cohesion in the underground culture and that is the reason why I believe that it is possible that it resurface after this nightmare that we are going in the country. He had not returned to work in another big company since that time and I was not difficult to identify very important elements of the company’s corporate culture which gave it a stamp of distinction among the different options of public service of the country. I found myself with a structured group and cohesive that in its essence and in many parts of the company really loved what they were doing, with Mystique, wanting to do well, aside from the ineptitude of the highest sea levels but that understanding this deficiency not they cejaban in persisting in to do the things well and making him see the new arriving their knowledge and share what was the living essence of the company. How is it possible that those who arrived new as managers there (and I include myself in the generality) acogieramos not entirely such administrative assertiveness gift? Was it so difficult to understand that we were as new managers facing a company that refused to cede their primary core values because they were more than aware that they were doing well and that what they needed was a push of new blood to improve it and enlarge it? As well, the majority of which came with power could understand.