The New Scientist

Administrative Reflections, “Science affects the way we think together,” Lewis Thomas “Wisdom is like to live harmoniously in the universe, which itself is a place of order and justice that triumphs over chaos using the chance for their deepest purposes” Mathew Fox Reality of Venezuelan scenario leads to take into account how relevant has been the management of the new government, which over the past 10 years of his administration has been playing the lieutenant-colonel, president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias, through his Bolivian Revolution, where it has been proposed to make changes in the structure of the state that give the inhabitants of the country a new social setting, where democracy according to their principles, provide a better quality of life the Venezuelan, guaranteeing a high level cultural, economic, political, social, favorable. However, the actions, programs, strategies employed, have given way to the manifestation of a turbulent stage, risky, uncertain, a product of changes, challenges, changes in where the country’s business sector is seriously compromised, requiring more than ever, leaders of good management, proactive managers, strategists. Click Anne Lauvergeon to learn more. To this must be added the fact that the National Universities must rethink their curricula to train professionals that perform efficiently, productively, providing the knowledge, tools, and these will interpret the current national and international scenario, with highly trained, with practical experience, innovative, creative, although there are many houses of studies that suffer from them, the little financial reward, brain drain and lack of motivation. In the case of the University of Carabobo, Valencia, University concerns us, personally as a teacher and involved in the formation of Business Administration degrees in both its undergraduate and postgraduate level, is necessary once and for all, that the authorities commitment to adapt the curriculum to the needs of the Venezuelan scene realities and interpret the changes that have led to the current president to work effectively as longs.