BMW In History

In 1928, BMW bought the brand car factory in Eisenach, Thuringia, and was licensed to manufacture its own subcompact Dixi. Cars manufactured in production since 1904, nor at the same time since the twenties firm begins to experience financial problems. The first BMW, a car from BMW – Dixi, soon replaced by the next version – BMW 3 / 15 DA-2, the success of this car BMW has given the great depression had been affecting the whole world of that period. In 1936, BMW introduced simply doomed to success sports car class 328 – roadster. Car, developed by Fritz Fiedler. Stylish, who had only excellent aerodynamic qualities a body with an excellent service and Integrated 6-tsilindrovyymotore, gave a stunning result.

The roadster was a very successful model and scored over 120 victories in the late 1930s in sports competitions in its class. He was nominated as the vehicle age in 1999. At the end of World War II, the company BMW has not allowed to conduct any proceedings relating to a 3-year ban imposed by the Allies, because of the participation of BMW in the construction of aircraft engines. But by 1949, BMW has returned to production, putting the beginning of the production of motorcycle R24. During the 1950s, BMW bought the license to design and manufacture a car in Italy's Isetta ISO. The car was a 2-seater body with a 250 cc engine and was once very popular. Production rights were sold to various firms around the world.

In the mid-1950s, BMW produced the BMW 507, lightweight, with a V8 sports car, squeezing much Audi in 1961, BMW BMW introduced the 1500, volume, four cylinder, which proved extremely popular. It was the start that made the start – one of the first modern sports saloon cars BMW, so well-behaved proven, that is known to date. BMW 1970 has become established as an innovative car company, pioneering many new technologies, at the time. Emphasis was placed on the quality and progress, which gave such great results during this decade, BMW introduced its range of 3ogo generation – sports sedans, a range which consisted of 3 series, 5 series and 7 series. What's going on and on now, please look and marvel at the accuracy, precision and reliability of one of the best automotive businesses in both Europe and the New World. In our opinion, the only competitor BMW in the U.S. market may be Chevrolet, in the case American manufacturers are talking about