Mat Transform

The first step is to clean the skin. We must always work on a clean complexion. You can use your usual product to the face, either using soaps or using creams. If you are using a cream or makeup remover cleansing product is super important to then use a tonic. I have oily skin, so I use a specific SOAP and apply it with a brush in the face. You can also use a scouring pad, although it is not imperative. These products help to activate the circulation, but be very careful if you have sensitive or dry skin.

Since in this case wouldn’t be recommended more than 1 or 2 times per week. The best are the marine natural pads and very soft bristle brush them. Before applying the Fund of makeup we need to apply a day cream which go our chord your skin. Many women jump this step is and it is a very common mistake. I use a special cream for oily skin and I also apply a day anti-wrinkle eye contour. The next step is to apply the make-up base.

The purpose of the Foundation is to obtain a natural looking covering all imperfections. First thing would be to choose the correct base according to your tone and skin type. In the market there are bases of all kinds and textures. It is important to choose a good quality, because the facial skin is very delicate. To do this, you have to let yourself be advised by experts of the brands. General features two large groups, for skins there is grease oil free and for skins dry. Loreal has released the line Mat Transform textured mus. It is very light and cover pores and wrinkles. The price is quite affordable, about 16 euros. Either the sponge or with your index finger, gives a few touches of makeup in the strategic areas of the face, i.e., in the forehead, nose, cheeks, Chin, neck and neckline.