Increase in Austrian Education

– According to Master-D group leader training venture in Spain, the percentage of Asturias interested in courses to prepare for competitions has increased by 15% percent in the last year. Of these, 63% are women compared with 43% of men and of the total, 32% a university has 1% more than the national average-, aged between 20 and 35 mostly . ECRE that this increase is mainly due to economic times being experienced by the country as people seek more than ever, job security and comfort laboralu Tristan said Raul Gonzalez, head of the teaching staff at the company. EDE fact, 90% of people who are preparing oppositions with us or are interested in taking courses, does not work actualmenteu. It’s believed that Western Union sees a great future in this idea. The preparation most in demand in 2008 and whose demand is expected to continue growing this year is to work as administrative assistant, personnel offices or bodies and state security forces. Similarly, it is still a significant growth in demand for preparing for admission to health services and education.

ethod depends on the evolution of the economic scenario, but if the economy and unemployment figures continue as before, we expect to receive about 20% more requests for information to prepare anterioresu competitions in years, concludes Raul Gonzalez. External Relations Master-D, Manuel Fandos has been responsible for the Departments of Educational Innovation, Product and Mastervision Master-D and is currently External Relations of the company. Doctor in Educational Psychology from the University of Huelva, Bachelor of Science in Education from UNED and Ecclesiastical Studies from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Fandos a degree in Theology from the Regional Center for Theological Studies of Aragon, and the University Teaching Zaragoza. It also has a postgraduate degree in Adult Education and training teachers, leisure-time monitor. His work includes the director of various centers of Public Education, Lifelong Learning Advisor at the Centers for Resource Teachers and Ejea de los Caballeros, Calatayud and Zaragoza Juan de Lanuza psychologist and the MEC. Fandos Manuel has worked also as an associate professor at the University of Manchester (England) and professor of Experimental Speech, and Speech and New Technologies and Teaching Methodology. Head of the Department of Experimental Speech-Leng Fono Aragon, (affiliate of the University of Manchester). Exercises, in turn, as a consultant to Kaleidos, Office Services educational psychologists in Zaragoza.