
The arrival of the Portuguese to Brazil in 1500 had brought significant changes in the behavior and in the relations between the native and the colonizador, period marked for a banal cultural interchange which had the Portuguese ridicularizem the culture of the indian as now they are called. Which can notice the differences gifts in our culture. Outrossim, the values of the friendship, respect and equality stops with the next one is inserted in a secondary scale in the life of the Brazilian. Doubtlessly, due to capitalist order where we are living, marked for the ambition, inaquality and the preconception. As it could be related, to the cases of homofobia portraied by the media it televises and other vehicles of communication; recently National Periodical TV Globe, showed the anulamento of the marriage of two homoafetivos couples for judge Jeronymo Villas, supporting in its arguments in favor of the cancellation through the constitution of the family and the Bible therefore the authority also is a shepherd.

Although, other dismal facts mark the life of many people, to break of its lack of moral integrity with next, the education received in relation to the culture to others and the proliferation of groups that create rinchas to the varied sorts and esteretipos, as the depredadores ' ' skhinreads' '. Sociology sample that must be etnocentrista in relation to the way of option of life of the people, to lose with these divergences who also shake psychological and the physicist of the human being, causing diverse profits: depression, anguish, chemical dependence, violence and the death. Martin Luther King, affirms in uses citations that what more it worries are the silence of the good ones. Destarte, is hour of the community to stop to search to long for and to depredate the image of the next one, but yes, only to establish affective bonds with its neighbors. A good interpersonal relation generates a great balance of respect, must also be learned to coexist the minorities, through the aid and support not financially, but with beautiful attitudes, in this ' ' psique' ' social come back toward equality.

The Tourists

The present study also the concept carried through questionings involving support, where it was asked for the inhabitants if they already had heard to speak of this. 30% affirmed that already it heard to speak, whereas most, 70% it never heard to speak before in the term. So that it has a sustainable tourism in Pipe, it is necessary to integrate all the involved actors in the scene, that is, the participation of the local commerce in the creation of services destined to the tourists, as well as the creation of courses of professional qualification for the population and seminaries of awareness on support (Teixeira, 2007). Profile of the boatmen who operate the boats that make the strolls for the comment of the dolphins the question of the escolaridade were searched with the boatmen in order to construct a panorama of the professional formation of them. The results had been: 33,3% possess the first incomplete degree, 55,6% possess the first complete degree and only 11,1% possess as the complete degree. The boatmen of the Beach of the Pipe participate of the tourist activity without knowing accurately what in fact he is happening in the place.

A mismanaged tourism and that it grows to each day without planning that according to Ansarah (2001), has as goal to keep the easinesses and services so that one community satisfies its necessities. The information is a basic tool for the taking of decisions and facilitates investments in the area (Bissoli, 2002). The tourism of comment of dolphins is one of the attractive ones of the beach of the Pipe, then questionings to the boatmen had been carried through if this activity was its main source of income. All had answered that yes. Ahead of this result it was possible to notice that the tourism of comment of dolphins is a good alternative of income source since all the questioned boatmen only exert this function to support themselves.

Federative Republic

‘ ‘ Sustentvel’ development; ‘. 5 – Identity and Citizenship in the sector Education the formation of the human being starts in the family. There, it has beginning a process of humanizao and release, moral and ethical values; it is a way that it searchs to make of the child a civilized being. well early to the school participates of this process, therefore the formal and informal education, social movements and public entities, approach aspects such as the education of the children, young and adults for a new culture of the human rights and the peace, beyond the reflection and practical systematization of the educative one in human rights. Soon, According to Demon (2006) ‘ ‘ The education, while intentional activity consists of the act to produce, directly and intentionally, in each singular individual, the humanity that is produced historical and collectively for the set of homens’ ‘. FINAL CONSIDERAES the concepts of Citizenship, Human Identity and Rights go if becoming indissociveis.

One perceives that the Human concepts of Citizenship and Rights are sufficiently flexible throughout the times. that Human Citizenship and Rights are not only right, conquered gradually. To each day they are necessary constant efforts of the individuals to assure them. It fits, therefore, to the State, in the search of the welfare state and the Democratic State of Right, to guarantee the minimum of conditions to the exercise of the Citizenship and the Human Rights.