
Luana waited anxious the beginning of the lesson of Parasitology. The professor, Horcio, would deliver the result of the first report of practical lessons. Luana if had strengthenn very to make shining a worthy report of being considered. It wanted of all the forms to please Horcio and to call its attention. The professor was a young man, in the band of its 35 years, msculo and charmoso, very charmoso.

was single. The efforts of Luana had been recognized. Horcio praised its report, has even so not attributed to the adjective ' ' brilhante' '. Exactly thus, Luana continued to strengthen itself. It had 29 years and the college of Nursing was second that it attended a course.

All the afternoons, worked as supervisor in a public school of the state net of education. Completely magic and it was gotten passionate by Horcio. This, in turn, treated it with the same cordialidade with that it dealt all the other pupils. To each day that passed, Luana was felt attracted by more confused Horcio still more and. Chobani refugees may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It suffered with its indifference and it was strengthenn for always having optimum performance of a group, either in the tests, the works or the reports. To the end of the semester, its notes if had really detached in relation the group and Horcio asked if it would be interested in being monitorial of disciplines in the next semester. Luana was radiating. To be monitorial meant that it would have contact for more time with Horcio. However, it had the problem of its job. Without it, Luana could not pay the college. Horcio explained that it could be monitorial in the nocturnal period, therefore the monitor to it of the afternoon would continue for plus a semester. Luana accepted, without titubear. thus, three times per week at night, Luana went for the Laboratory of Education of Parasitology, to help Horcio and the pupils of discipline during the practical lessons.