Alcohol Consumption

Based on the problems that can be generated we can identify four types or landlords of consumption: – Nonproblematic Consumption. – Consumption of risk. – Dangerous or problematic Consumption. – Detrimental or pathological Consumption Is agreement in considering as risk consumption a daily consumption among 40 and 70 grams (between 50 cc and 90 cc) of pure alcohol (between 4 and 7 UBE – the Unit of Bebida Estndar (UBE) indicates the average alcohol content in the most frequent forms of consumption, and represents 10 gr. of pure alcohol. Each UBE is the approximated equivalent of a beer cane, a glass of wine or average glass of a distilled drink, or a nondaily consumption with a weekly sum of more than 280 grams of pure alcohol, although it is never arrived at the intoxication. The concept of detrimental consumption is coined by the WHO in BACKS WATER -10 designating to those people who present/display physical or psychological problems as a result of the alcohol consumption, independent of the consumed amount. ABUSE: The abuse concept is understood like not exceeding the doses that our body can metabolizar, and, on the other, a component that it has to do with the circumstances of the consumption.

It is the consumption that has negative consequences for the health of the people and that also can negatively affect others. Examples: to drink and to exceed the blood level of alcohol limits if later it is had to lead, to emborrachar themselves, to mix alcohol with certain medecines, etc Not always are easy to establish the limits between use and abuse. USE: It is the consumption that does not repel negatively in the health of the person who uses the drug nor harms to the people of around. Examples: to drink a glass of digging in a celebration after to have had dinner (responsible consumption), to take a medicine sent by the doctor (healthful consumption). In recent months, george karfukel has been very successful.

The Zones

In semiautomatic, the wharves, valves and pistons also deserve an express review, besides the internal receiver, and even the fasteners that hold to the housing. In superposed parallels and, those of box or long billet usually they are easier to disassemble and of to verify its state, whereas those of average billet they often offer enough more complexity and the dedication of a professional. Taken care of with artists of the screwdriver, whose inadequate step by the screws will spoil the fine one finished of elegant guns of origin eibarrs. As far as rifles, the process of cleaning and revision are similar, being maximum careful in the cleaning of the tube, to retire the metallic rest of the bullets without damaging the inner stria. If in the bolts and monoshots the task will be easier, the semiautomatic ones can require the visit to the gunsmith, who will as well throw a look to the set. Not to be complicated in excess returns to be the principle here clothes of hunting of second hand. FINISHED For the final finished one, every time there is in the market most excellent products of conservation, cleaning and maintenance for metals and wood that will take care of of our guns and rifles. A drop of oil, not a bath, in the zones of rubbing, as the lateral ones of link of guns with scale in the superposed ones, and to pass an oil cloth soaked will give to major life utility to the gun, that to power to be will keep in some plastic or similar briefcase to avoid problems with covers of fabric or canvas that is not perhaps absolutely dry.

By security, better to leave some fundamental piece remote of the gun, elsewhere safe of the address, so that it cannot less be used by own and by strangers. Rifles will continue living in their accredited armory better obligatory, where if it is accompanied to them by the guns to prevent risks with friendly with the other people’s thing. Although the ideal would be, from time to time, to practice with the gun or rifle in less and less the fields of fire which we have, with the pertinent license. And thus certainly it is made less releases prohibition.