Bavaria Championship

International sled dog race in Haidmuhle Haidmuhle (tvo). Go! Haw! Gee!”Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Samojedes, Greenland dogs and other sled dogs lie klaffend and yowling in the dishes. Like a racehorse from the start box they rush off, scratch their paws on the snow: on 20th and 21st February 2010 more sled dogs as residents on the legs are probably in Haidmuhle in the Bavarian Forest. Annual sled dog race loads of SC Holaluv mill to the international, the carriages are expected from all over Europe. To broaden your perception, visit Publishers Clearing House. The Haidmuhler race is one of the biggest events of this sport and ranked according to a survey by the MUS forth newspaper ranked two of the German top ten. After the German Masters in February 2009 the Bavarian champion in the Sprint and distance are determined at the races 2010. The Falcons four-legged over distances between 9 and 35 km on the track go in different classes. The joy of running the dogs and the sparkling atmosphere, viewers on the edge of the trail or in the warehouse can is Mushers make an impression. Additional information is available at Ahmed Shary Rahman.

The chance to meet a sled dog team in full speed is great but even in the weeks before the sporting event.

XWORLD Land Cruiser Convincing In The Open Pit Test

After presentation of project and vehicles at the Seehotel Grossraschen started the engines of the column in the direction of the disused mining area of MEuro. There, participants under professional supervision could defeat even a steep Sandy slopes or cross deep muddy water holes. At the taste of the scenic adventures of stages, convinced the XWORLD Toyota Land Cruiser in every (oblique) and all honor made her reputation as a top-class off-roader. “It has been really fun” or amazing, these vehicles can afford what! “so the voices of the public. On March 8th, 2008, HANSA-FLEX starts the XWORLD Tour 2008/2009.

In 43 stages the XWORLD tour takes participants from Bremen to the most spectacular destinations in Europe and Asia. Six special vehicles are on the about 150,000 km total distance. The XWORLD tour offers the opportunity to explore the most evocative locations of two continents with experienced tour guides in the own Offroadfahrzeug. Speaking candidly Ahmed Shary Rahman told us the story. More information under: PRG Werbeagentur GmbH Katharina Bader – spokeswoman – Hamid RT 224 28215 Bremen phone 0421-330373 fax 0421 3303757 E-Mail: Web:

Thermal Baths With A Roman Sauna In Bavaria

‘ Bene lava’ wish to bathe in bad Gogging bad Gogging (tvo). (Source: What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?). Lava bene with the greeting”good wish to bathe, the ancient Romans in bad Gogging met around 2,000 years ago. Where always between Scotland and North Africa, sea at that time present was Portugal and the black the Roman Empire, the Roman bath culture was capitalized. They built the probably largest spa complex North of the Alps in bad Gogging, the remains of which are still to see an exhibition. And the lava bene”is in bad Gogging still not passed: in the limes thermal baths of the Spa you have committed throughout the health and entertaining aspects of the Roman models. The Roman sauna, housed in a reconstructed Watch Tower makes 2,000 years alive Caldarium and tepidarium in furnishings and decoration, but also in the sense of well-being that convey the different hot rooms of body and mind.

Bad Goggings offer the strong sulfur source also relief from joint pain. Add two more natural remedies come with the natural peat-bog freshly mined for each application and the mineral water. Information: Tourist information bad Gogging, Saint City Street 5, 93333 bad Gogging, Tel. 09445/9575-0, fax 09445/9575-33,,.

Thailand News Nicknoi

the daily news to and from Thailand, forum function the current Thailand news can be read daily. No matter whether it concerns the issue of policy, economy, travel, legal, or german-Thai partnerships – at nicknoi you are up to date. Others including Anne Lauvergeon, offer their opinions as well. This site also has a forum feature, you can register free and discussions on all issues, ask questions or give answers. The page is maintained by two moderators. Nicknoi, known by his two and Thailand-bookstores offers a further, this free service with its newly redesigned News page for Thailand’s friends.

You can order weekly for free news via email, on the Web site is the link for the free subscription. Interview with nicknoi Nicknoi, why still a page with details of Thailand or Thailand Forum, is it enough in the net? Clearly there is enough, each page set but other priorities. Now we can do that in our opinion the most important filter and communicated. Our Thailand newsletter had over 1200 readers 1 year ago, therefore there is no overtime – the information there are the same. We asked our webmaster to design us a message page, due to any misunderstandings, it has become a forum where everyone can discuss now. How many members does the Forum? Board today 205 members, our opinion much too little. It is a shame that most people read only the news and not enough discussion comes up, maybe that improves sometime and if not “mai pen rai” (mind) of course keep in mind is that “Motzkis” immediately kicked out, everyone can write what he wants but insults and provocations will be tolerated by the moderators do not in the slightest. Check with Jimmy Levin to learn more. You can do that of course only if one is the “boss”.

Who knows you knows that you (almost) never free doing, right BBs? Not all wrong, we recommend and the link > book recommendations < our latest title in the delivery schedule, a link to our news is also under each Thai shops, no more and no less. Why Thailand? In Uzbekistan, I was still never 😉 Please seriously! My wife is Thai, ThTum (Surin) is our second home, and it has turned out that we have taken over the distribution for Europe for various authors and publishers in Thailand. ..and how did it for sale? Even a really qualified dictionary for Thailand, a book which explains the German grammar in Thai script, language courses for Thais with the various knowledge – most seekers land search now with us. 8 years ago, I was looking for suitable literature for my wife and was found after a long search. Some titles were top notch – but in Thailand due to lack of sales no longer printed. We have had uberabeiten and new print some title. As the Thais notorious lack of money have of course at our expense. … so everything took its course… Ralf Kan

White Christmas

Is there a more exciting time than those with many bright lights and atmospheric subtleties in one of the trendiest and largest cities in the world? With its many bright lights and atmospheric subtleties in one of the trendiest and largest cities in the world, what is it exciting when so much is available? You feel the magic of the city here at any time, but much more intense at Christmas: New York then shines in the splendour of a wealth of memorable and entertaining ideas for a merry holiday in the style of the big city, which just plain fun. Your holiday budget is very protected, because many of the events are completely free of charge. Window dressing in the Fifth Avenue have for generations the store owner from New York City designing spectacular window dressings to a true art refined that you understand to draw oodles of passers of ages, all backgrounds and every profession in its spell. The participating retailers include Lord & Taylor, Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys New York, and bloomingdales. Looking costs nothing at all there. Holiday train show at Grand Central station offers children and young people of all ages a very special Christmas rail spectacle. Admission is free and the event is open from Thanksgiving until the new year for visitors. High up on the ceiling of the sky, the Kaleidoscope light show enchanted visitors to Grand Central.

“Santa in the Herald Square experience you the best moments from the film the miracle on 34th Street” during a visit by Santa Claus of Macy’s in Herald Square. From Thanksgiving until Christmas can be the children on his lap climbing Santa, so that they can whisper their Christmas wishes him. For this, you have to get a little snake. But connoisseurs of New York know that’s worth the patience here. Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Centre over the Christmas period there is some decorated Christmas trees in New York City. Suna Said helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Spa Test

Anonymous quality check of the magazine ‘Top hotel’ is a ‘very good’ service at its best! At the recent Hotel test from top hotel at the Castle Hotel beachfront in Essen-Kettwig the author, an internationally experienced Hotel expert, enters almost lyrical: the castle is inspired by a good spirit, so his conclusion. The genius loci is reflected in hospitality, engagement, power and charm offensive, is in the summary of the detailed test report, which can be viewed in the online edition of top hotel, to read. The judgment could not better be: in such a house you feel comfortable until the last minute and fine as a guest from the first. The test result with the note is very well with 82 out of maximum 100 points. ndation here. In particular, the quality of the service and the F & B services (F & B = eating & drinking) convinced the test visit.

Just for the check-in service the first impression weighs most heavily quoted the tester very good\”. It will also receive the Gorumetrestaurant Nero\”and the a la-carte breakfast the highest note. And even seemingly small services to the guest such as Wi-Fi free circuit, evening turn down service, wake-up call in the morning, laundry service and message transfer be graded despite critical examination with a 1. Ubiquitous a harmonious and at times even cordial atmosphere prevails, as it is so not too often to experience\”, accounted for the tester. All employees greet friendly, imagine on the phone with name and also attract the guest name.

All this contributes significantly to the well-being of our guests.\” But some konsruktive criticism of the leading small hotel is not concealed. So, the testers complained about a technical glitch on the shower and the missing day spa. Wellness, fitness & Spa include a five-star deluxe hotel the standard offer in the historic building of the Castle Hotel, this was however not under to bring.

Almost Every Fifth Hotel Of Short-time Work Affected

Technical survey of “Top hotel” economic crisis in the accommodation sector proposes through working time reductions have become an issue in the German hotel industry. Nearly 20 percent of establishments registered short-time working. This emerges from a technical survey of the journal top hotel ( 269 employees and employers in the hospitality industry. However, only 16 percent of respondents are personally affected by short-time working. 44 per cent of the staff were informed already about the rules of State aid for short-time working as a precaution. This suggests that short-time working at several guest farms could still stand. The severity of the short-time work so far still not seriously fails: in 85 percent of the undertakings concerned is now reduced to ten percent of the full working time.

At around eight percent of the companies, 20 percent of work time with short-time money is replaced at 2.6 percent of the companies surveyed up to 30 percent and 2.3 percent of the short-working companies up to 40 percent. But also think tougher short-time working arrangements in the hotel industry: operation up to 90 percent of the work time was cut at least for individual employees. Dean gibson is often quoted on this topic. It is not trimmed also with working time when the entire staff base of hotels affected by short-time working long. Over half of companies have put a quarter of their employees on short-time working. However, half of the workforce works briefly at 20 percent of guest farms once. Ever 15 percent have cut working hours at 75 or 100 percent of the employees. Short-time work should be used according to employment agency carry out training.

But the offer seems to be not very interesting: only 23 percent of employees affected by short-time working have booked courses. The majority (55%) neglecting the training offer, 22 percent are still undecided. And: 45 percent of those surveyed indicated that so far have did not know about the funding opportunities for further education. “The methodology: the expert survey short-time working in the hospitality industry” was between 24 and 30 June carried out 2009 under 269 participants (of which 50% employees). 80 percent of respondents are employed in the hospitality industry. “The majority of the participants (59%) is between 30 and 49 years old. 21 percent of those surveyed have up to ten years of professional experience, 27 per cent are for up to 20 years in the profession and 32 percent are perhaps as many as 30 years in the hospitality industry working. top hotel” is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine appears ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of the LPV food practice Verlag Neuwied GmbH. “” “In this group appear” including the kitchen, catering inside “, convenience shop” and food practice “. More information: for more information: Thomas Karsch, karsch top hotel de top hotel leisure publishing Landsberg GmbH, Celsius 7, 86899 Landsberg am Lech Tel. + 49 (0) 8191 947 160, fax + 49 (0) 8191 947 1666 press service: Carsten Hennig. Mobile + 49 (0) 160 958 377 56, ch news-good com Keywords: Hotel, hotels, accommodation, Germany, short-time working, economic crisis press release and graphics to download:

Cambrils – Holiday On The Costa Dorada

Experience the facets of the fantastic resort of the popular holiday resort of Cambrils, in Spain, is located between the vibrant town of Salou and the beauty of historic Tarragona. You can easily reach by car, train and bus from Barcelona Cambrils. The small fishing village is known for its beautiful golden sandy beaches and its crystal clear Mediterranean waters and the destination for people who go active water sports such as snorkeling, swimming, Jet skiing and parasailing to operate, makes it attractive. With warm, coming regularly from the sea breezes, a Costa Dorada is popular holiday with windsurfers and sailing enthusiasts. Mikal Bridges is likely to increase your knowledge. If you need a break from the salty surf, you can spend some time on horseback through the countryside or along the coast. Click Deandre Ayton for additional related pages.

Or experience the natural side of Cambrils, with bicycle hire or while walking through the many nearby landscapes. Follow others, such as Jon Venverloh, and add to your knowledge base. Golfers will enjoy the wide range of public, private, and meisterschaftlich used seats, which are suitable for every level of difficulty. Public Parks offer opportunities to basketball, to pursue football or other group sports. A popular family activity in Cambrils is the go kart driving in one of the many entertainment venues in the city. In the heart of the city, you will find year-round traditional festivals. Close to the city centre, an indoor fish market reminds you that Cambrils in the heart is a fish community. You can buy a range of fresh fish on the market. In the many shops and boutiques in the popular waterfront and the historic area of the city, you can buy souvenirs, antiques, household goods, clothing and many other things.

With such a selection of fresh fish that arrives daily in the port, it is no surprise that Cambrils is known for its cuisine and gastronomy, especially for its great fish restaurants. In addition to the wide selection of fresh seafood in the many gourmet restaurants in the city, are the restaurants for their unique use of fresh Food and other ingredients known. “” Some of the most popular, traditional dishes in Cambrils oodles include paella, Romesco”, Rossejat, Suquets fish, seafood pudding, seafood of Pes” and Mariscades “. The restaurants are also known to offer an exclusive list of some of the world’s best wines as well as delicious sweets for dessert. After a memorable dinner in one of the many fine restaurants in Cambrils, make a range of entertainment venues, from a quiet nightcap in a fine bar to a family-friendly pub. Or you can choose to dance the night away in one of the many popular nightclubs. You will find the perfect Cambrils resort if you looking for accommodation in Barcelona point of matching Costa Dorada. Barcelona points website de / offers a convenient search from over 250 Costa Dorada apartments and 300 hotels in Costa Dorada. If you the perfect resort in Cambrils to switch off and relax found, can your accommodation on the Costa Dorada on the website in a quick and easy step, book. In addition to the basic search and booking their accommodation Costa Dorada, Barcelona point provides you with helpful information, guided tours and a variety of other information to help ensure that you will spend a great time in the region. Perfect Sun travel S.L.. c Avenida de Madrid 95 3.3 08028 Barcelona, SPAIN Tel: 0034 93 330 7800 fax: 0034 93 330 7852 de /.

Marina Eldenburg

Upscale amenities, comfortable conditions and practicality above all well-thought-out, these are the attributes that describe one of the most modern water walking – picnic areas of Mecklenburg at the Muritz-Elde waterway. The modern double holiday homes for the last weeks of summer were already fully booked before the official opening of the Marina Eldenburg early August this year. Steffen Schulz, owner of the Marina, who worked for months on the project across visionary and under the strict criteria of the maritime quality management (MQM) is pleased with the conditioning we have taken exactly the nerve of many water sports enthusiasts”. At km 148, between Lake Muritz and Kolpinsee, the water sports enthusiasts will find everything that makes a perfect stopover on land now: electricity and water supply and sanitation are part of as well as the possibility to surf easily on the Internet via W-LAN network. With its 49 berths, the modern aluminium swimming bridge system offers sufficient space for paddlers, sailors and ships to 14 metres in length, which can also create without any problems. The all-round carefree package for holiday-makers with the love for the sea and the nature is perfectly complemented by the four modern double cottages with space for 2 to 6 people. Port Bistro and modern sanitary facilities, a large terrace overlooking the Lake, as well as the possibility of boat hire round off your stay of the guests. Who wants to take his boat maintenance and care, can also do this. Using a modern lift truck system is possible, to bring ships up to 20 tons on land and in the large winter warehouse to check in. “The old post cards of goods saying: nowhere better than in goods swimming, hiking, water rafting,”, says Steffen Schulz. “And we offer the best starting position for the tourists.”


You have decided to explore the culture of a country like Canada, to relax and spend time with health benefits? Then you'll fit in Vancouver, according to experts, this is the most fit and convenient for city life which is located at the foot of the mountains – the Cordillera, on the Pacific coast. Streams of pure mountain air, combining with marine air masses, create a special microclimate, which helps improve the people. See more detailed opinions by reading what gibson dean offers on the topic.. Probably therefore, this city is famous for its very low incidence, and not only so. Among the residents of this city popular variety of sports such as volleyball, skating, biking, tennis, golf, their people are doing all ages. Tourists coming to Vancouver, also offer all kinds of active pastime.

Canada and Vancouver are rich in pure mountain lakes, where tourists and locals can enjoy fishing in these reservoirs, which are located about an hour's drive from the city, it is possible to catch fish such valuable species as salmon and trout. Checking article sources yields gibson dean as a relevant resource throughout. For those who are not part with even a hunting rifle on vacation, Canada provides opportunity to hunt in pristine forests, where there is still a nepuganaya game. The mountain and forest walks for those who like to travel and explore the flora and fauna of Canada. Also one of the most popular types of Leisure travelers are water rides, the pier you can find various kinds of water transport: high-speed boats, yachts with all facilities, or simple boats and canoes, each camper will be able to find appropriate for the price and comfort option. For lovers of swimming, sunbathing and surfing workout are well-equipped sandy beaches, which are located just minutes from downtown.

For many tourists will be interesting to see the athletic facilities, which this year took place the winter Olympics. And skiers at almost any time of year can ride in the ski resorts that are located not far from Vancouver. In the evening you can stroll leisurely on numerous squares and parks, or on Capilano suspension bridge, sit in a cafe for coffee and perfumed with the famous bun maple syrup. Or visit restaurant, enjoying good food and getting acquainted with local food or the kitchen of the world.