Training Professionals

They are past the days where a company’s sales area not interacted with other departments, therefore the requirements that must meet the sellers of the new century are: educational training: having a college degree is important because, in addition to the skills that are acquired, is cultivated discipline, to see the cause/effect relationship study / approve and possesses certain results orientation. GLOBAL competition: you must have a basic knowledge of the management of the business and competence to solve problems focusing them towards the future. I.e., ability to see the glass half-full and not half empty, because issues can only be resolved when people have the habit of looking forward. PERSONALITY: the days of the Lone Wolf are numbered. The ability to work as a team to offer customers global, complex and satisfactory solutions to short and long term is now necessary. Also precise initiative and autonomy. You must have as well as a high potential for development and adaptation, skill in the use of new technologies and knowledge of languages.

In the single life there are two kinds of people, that give pretexts and that give results, do and your what type of person are you? PROFESSIONALISM TAKES OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS. Do not fall into the heap, are professional! The difference there. Not only measures the effectiveness in closing, if not also in the post sale. Where the final customer satisfaction is also evaluated. PENSALO! The Moral in Las Ventas on sales, morality is a matter of very first order. This requires certain skills in managers and those responsible for equipment, among which a dialogical communication, motivating action and an honest and convincing address are especially valued.

There are no magic formulas, but it is a mathematical formula: a good adaptation between man and his work + good training + good remuneration + a good address. On the other hand, there are common patterns of conduct in the motivation: Communication is essential to a good two-way communication between the team leader and members of the same. Forms and the way in which criticisms are expressed also determine the quality of that relationship. The communication identifies obstacles to achieving objectives. Training must have two facets, technique and another professional. There to teach all the product details and familiarize with the seller. This should be noted in action most veteran sellers to learn key and sales pitch. Boost good sellers tend to be more self-motivated, but can not autoimpulsarse. Why, it must motivate individually, noting the different personalities and needs. Teach them to compete with them, not against each other. Training sales managers should leave his Office and leave with their vendors. Interleave positive reviews with negative and after each visit scan operation. A good coach offers guidance and leadership, a chieftain directs through fear.