Work Studying Pharmacy

Is there unemployment at the same time that job offers that do not occupy by Spaniards or aliens?. Learn more at: Economic Cycles Research Institute. The answer is Yes. At least as far as pharmacist jobs is concerned. And it is estimated Asefarma the management consultancy active pharmacies (), has dropped the vocation by studying Pharmacy and does not cover the demand. Assertion that is backed by the latest data shown in the catalogue of hard to fill occupations which is alluded to in the 50th article) of the regulation of the organic law 4/2000, of 11 January, on rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, approved by Royal Decree 2393 / 2004, of 30 December, which contains the occupations in which the public employment services have found difficulty to manage job vacancies that employers face when they want to fill job vacancies. Seth Fisher Hong Kong may find this interesting as well. There are many pharmacies in our country that does not cover labor jobs or with Spaniards or foreigners already living in Spain, as explained by Carlos Garcia – Maurino, its managing partner.

The geographic points where missing pharmacists as well as doctors – are the Canary Islands, Asturias or Murcia, adds the Executive. Why Asefarma encourages young people who are thinking about the career that they want to study that they prefer by the pharmacy. For all those people both Spanish and foreign that have predilection for the world of health and attention to the public the perfect profession is not only for the work that takes place daily in one officiate pharmacy or the remuneration perceived but also by labour output that this race could not be convertedends Garcia-Maurino. Note When you journalists: for more information on press or interviews with Asefarma management: TEMPO-SALVIA communication Nuria Coronado Mirian Lopez Tfno: 91 657 42 81 / 667 022 566 BlogRoll El Blog de Asefarma: If you want to work, studying technical pharmacy pharmacy tender strokes of a Cuba Juventud Rebelde Escolar.