Spiritual Art With Eye Floaters

The heading ‘Images of the quarter’ of the newsletter in this issue: Spiritual art with entoptic phenomena “I – joy of love” by Justine Felix painting as an act of transformation: when Justine Felix paints, holding visionary impressions it, as cosmic vibrations or timeless energies flowing through them. Accordingly, the artist from Mannheim understands their works as energy, or soul healing images that should ensure when it meditates, access to the hidden and initiate a process of healing and consciousness development underway. I am the image”is concrete and abstract forms in a dreamy interplay. A female angelic beings is surrounded by a wavy environment. In recent months, dean gibson has been very successful. Their outer appearances, hair and clothes go gently in two vertebrae.

This she considered three clearly prominent blue balls, which are available in a double connection with her: for one, she observed the balls with her also deep blue eyes; on the other hand, it seems to let them rise from her hand. Centrally located in all three dimensions is the large double membrane-ball; in the middle of the image and some events blanketing, partially obscured by him, is still unaffected by all. How while watching the eye floaters is the relationship between spectator and the glowing balls no physical but an intra sensual. At fender you will find additional information. None of the balls is touched, the Exchange is done via a connection by seeing and feeling, represented by eye and hand. This feeling seeing is the will of the Viewer, to affect the flying balls on an energetic level down to those one becoming perhaps, seeking to realize also the seers (see the manual) with the mouches volantes. Justine Felix: I’m joy of love (mixed media, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm) you will find these images in the Gallery, as well as in the Forum, where they are available for discussion. You have your own drawings of mouches volantes or other entoptic phenomena (asterisk/rotor shafts, Afterimages)? Or you know of realistic artistic and religious Representations of such phenomena? Then send me the image or give me the tip, I would publish it in the newsletter, in the gallery or in the Forum..

Ready For A Break?

Our world provides plenty of opportunities for you, waiting to be discovered. Not only about stress and to talk, but to take their own recovery as the career and the success, so seriously it takes some courage and above all a new look at their own lives. But courage is reasonable: many only sacrifice their health to make money to sacrifice much money to become healthy again. The health receives to confess, in time for a life change of mindfulness and slowing down. The awareness of a new time quality is more less often. A useful and important knowledge is to expose inner impeller. The question is essential after the own goal in life and thus also the own life style. Leads the own style at all to own wishes, or we live alien determined and have left to indemnify us of consumerism? These are not esoteric chats, but the first steps back to the own and original ideas of life.

Companion can help to find the best personal way. You go so not alone but with professional guidance. Together with the cooling off period you determine your personal impeller Agency and learn in a beyond Riposo personality test which small or large break opportunities fit exactly to your personality and your needs. Only a few available options, which can lead to your deceleration are gold prospecting in the Thuringian forest, travel with the circus or meditation at Zen Monastery. We will gladly advise you and guide you on your way to a more relaxed life. Contact: Sajda of Rodelheimer Highway 37-39 60487 Frankfurt Tel: 069-77075526

Esoteric On The Rise

A new community in collaboration In the middle ages there were witches and seers who brewed potions and laid the cards dealing with esoteric probably. Often they had to pay with his life. But, times have changed and today esoteric many very recognized and popular, but frowned upon by others. It is also not so easy to believe in the supernatural and extraordinary for a down-to-earth people and yet found rows in the Church, they are then no problem. Mysticism and religion, two different topics, but lying to each other. Many esoteric, all, have also their own faith. This belief then of course not necessarily coincides with the world religions, even though Buddhism at Esoterics is popular.

Especially young people who need to find those with drug experiences, yet their faith find fascinating the esoteric. They search for according to what is behind the whole matter, searching for higher meaning, Supernatural. An important area in the esoteric is, that the cards are dealt. Curious, who is not a piece on his future? Who doesn’t know this appeal of the unknown? It is quite intriguing, if one the cards are placed in an Oracle with the scent of incense and you remember later, it happened somehow everything, whether it now believes or holds only for a random. Not every one of us knows a psychics.

But you can get the card free online. These are then usually try actions of online card inserts. You can can be E.g. the Tarot cards, which are very common and well known. It is also very obese to get these cards on the phone. Again a network for the Tarot reader offered, of course, only to the introduction and the pure taste. In the Tarot, it is always important to meet, who has also a real idea of what he’s doing, to an expert. Of course there are also agencies that few students in a fast-track course form, this one then tell anything that is not of the desired quality a, tends to be a rip off. Thus, a Gratisgesprach is important, at the choice of the provider so that you can convince yourself as a customer by the quality of the predictions. Particularly frequent topics at the Tarot are of course death and disease, wealth and career, but most of all the love. Who has these areas questions, he will find in the maps answers.

Webinar Mirror Whisper – The Original By Stefan Of SAH

Learn to make your Unterbewustein Vienna/Heidelberg to the helper when is a Mentalcoaching income for the people? If it’s easy is applicable anytime, anywhere and the success depends on a few factors. Stefan Schilchegger is the mirror Whisperer (this trademark is protected) and mirror whisper in his Webinar in just 30 days with a total of 10 hours of online coaching the basics for a successful and happy life. “The possibility of online courses or webinars also provides coaching to a whole new level now anyone can participate anonymously (if that is desired) in an evolvement, this is the original book the mirror Whisperer” delivered straight to your home by post. The online course can be started daily and is served Monday to Friday live in an Internet chat by the author himself. In Austria, the course and the seminar leader is already an insider tip that ensures full halls and seminar rooms now, the new technology is also worldwide available. The technical processing of the course of the seminar Organizer specializing in webinars Nastasi from Heidelberg helps to ensure the family business has a private Manifestierenportal with currently 8 own online courses on personality development in the operation since May 2008. Through years of experience and the successful implementation of several hundred online courses is the company able to provide the necessary capacity for this new course. While the mirror whispers is a completely new method, some personal trainers use the mirror as an element in their coaching is an entire method that still safely and reliably works to, but unique.

Use an internal Forum area, an internal area on the website with meditations and in-depth exercises, which also provides access to the other seminar participants, and a Mon-Fri belong to the webinar in addition to the daily practice lessons, which are delivered by mail, carried live Internet chat of 30 minutes each. Would in just 30 days real change manifest in your life? Then is put together new 30-day online course mirrors Whisperer right, modern and affordable way to have more information we spiegelfluesterer.seminar service nastasi.de Web page. Press release: Interviews, pictures and review copies are also free test courses for representatives of the press and the media proof of the press card or a similar document available. Appointments, questions and reference copies please to below address. Imprint seminar service Nastasi holder Alexander Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224/924255 fax: 06224/924259 seminar service Nastasi specializes in the distribution of online content about the law of attraction and manifesting the personal growth of the seminar participants specialized. In the parlance as Mentalcoaching, to name a few common trainer or consultant.

It is possible all over the world to use the course thanks to the most advanced Internet and telecommunications technology, it is currently offered (January 2010) in German and English, additional languages are in preparation. The law of attraction / law of attraction / the secret power of thought / manifesting is based on the power of thought of people everyone is able to bring visible and noticeable effects in his life by altering his attitude and his focus. Since May 2008, the online coaching Portal operated by the entrepreneur couple Nastasi. In addition to this portal to the personality education, the company operates a number health portals, E.g. for building biologists, Naturopath or wellness and has published the five books. Further information about the 2003 founded family operation headquartered in Germany are available on the company’s website. Desired specimen copy requested print and play of this message.