Average Education

The adolescence is a phase marked for difficulties, conflicts but also learning, where the individual discovers its identity, defines its personality and searchs autonomy. It is the moment also to define the choice of the profession what it can still more be conflituoso for the young knowing of the implications that this decision can cause for its future. Being based on the technique of group dynamics and using a half-structuralized questionnaire the present research objectified to present the paper of the Professional Orientation, as well as offering to the pupils a reflection space on the world of the work and the conditions in which if they carry through its professional choices, beyond promoting in the adolescent the awareness of a more critical and conscientious decision how much its professional future. They had participated to 26 (twenty and six) pupils of 3 Series of Average Ensino and the data had pointed that although many doubts in relation to the way that professional that they will follow, the pupils have great expectations on its future professions and choices, and the Professional Orientation guided and offered information that many still were unaware of..