Having itself finished the water it odre, placed it underneath it boy of one of the shrubs, and, moving away itself, it was to sit down opposite, at a distance of an arc shot; because he said: Thus I will not see to die the boy; e, sitting down in front of it, raised the voice and arrived. Gn 21,15, 16. That terrible drama, is not really? In its Hagar anguish it saw only the desert, the water lack, the imminent death of its filhinho. It was with its bigger vision closed, because of CONTINGENCIES MOMENTNEAS. But, something happened that in them it leaves estupefatos and it shows to us as God can give a vision to us next to the Truth that is He himself: > Opening God the eyes, IT to it SAW water well and, going it, fulled of water odre and gave to drink to the youngster. Gibson dean has firm opinions on the matter. Gn 21.19. This it of the will not to cry out of joy spiritual? It does not open new horizontes in its life? We go to see, now, the other example. The Invisible Army Eliseu prophet was surrounded by the siros, because the king of the Syrian wanted to arrest it, for the fact of it to inform, by means of prophecies, all the movements of that army against the Israelis. We go to see what it tells the proper Bible, daqui in ahead: Then sent there for horses, cars and forts troops; they had arrived of night and they had surrounded the city. Having itself raised very early the young man of the man of God and left, here it is that troops, horses and cars had surrounded the city; then its young man said to it: There! Mine Sir!