Big Money

Big money – who does not understand these words? The entire Internet is replete with promises of large , and whether they have these big money on the Internet for the common man. All Internet assures us that yes, perhaps easily, especially if the judge your website. Try it for yourself go to any search engine whether Yandex, Aport or Google, type a search query web money, earn easy income without any problems, to earn on its website. Well? Look how sweet proposals and all promise to pay at least $ 1000 in a short time, quite easily, without attachments, etc. The impression that money on the internet to burn, and who does not collect. Details can be found by clicking Jeff Gennette or emailing the administrator. But now let us think. If everything is so simple, then why the rich are so few? Take for example the so widely advertised earnings on the Internet – filling in surveys.

What they promise, like so: get paid for completing surveys – $ 2 – $ 75 per survey get paid for their participation in groups Survey – $ 20 – $ 150 per hour Get paid for testing new products – $ 10 – $ 50 per 1 item (to obtain the product free of charge) to receive payment for a preview of unfinished films – from $ 5 – $ 25 an hour watching What awaits the beginner , attracted by such a rosy promises multiple sites? At first glance, everything is fine: site with the largest fee, fill out surveys, money and the river flowed. But if you take to fill form carefully and at least read the rules, etc., it becomes obvious that someone would you be selected for testing, and not the fact that it is you choose, test themselves a bit, and invite you not at all That will get you one, two tests in week, or maybe a month to fill And that should earn? Clearly, someone will say something, so much the same sites offering similar earnings on completing the survey. Yes, a lot! But each must register, and that even with the special programs do not simply. And most importantly when will these, well at least $ 100. For in order to get the cash they need to accumulate a sufficient output (cashing in) the number, but some sites do not pay money, offering lottery tickets, or transfer to the cell phone bill. Well let compute: two surveys a week 50rub.

This month 400 rubles. For the year just $ 100 will be even slightly more. If you do not get tired too early polls fill or even, God forbid, you forget the password to login. Continuing the arithmetic is clear that in order to earn $ 1000-1500 per month, as promised in the ad online, you need to register at hundreds of sites every day to answer more than 20 surveys, and only then will you earn cherished 1000-1500 $ a month (just get through the year). A, and most importantly, if you have enough time to complete surveys (time to complete the survey 30 – 45 minutes). Count yourself Draw your own conclusions. Who would not agree, Bring arguments. Comments are open to all. The following review of earnings