Brazilian Conferences

Where measure this desire of filosofar meets in danger at our time. A poor time, that does not think, but designs and only calculates. We live deeply, thus, the malaise of a time that makes it difficult a more essential relation, originary and interactive with the things, the world and the others, a time that everything reveals in its mere availability to the calculation. Even though the man is seen, many times, as a species of noise, that must be eliminated for a bigger otimizao of the system. In a society in which the images hiper-carry through the Real, by means of a process of DES-referencing of object and DES-substancializao of the citizen, as to recoup or to save the desire of filosofar? The French thinker Alain Badiou in one of its Brazilian conferences intitled situation of the philosophy in the contemporaneidade has left of the following questions: ' ' Why it has philosophers? How is characterized the philosophy desire? ' ' (Cf.

BADIOU, 1994, P. 35). In the attempt to characterize the desire of filosofar, Badiou points four constituent conditions of the same: the revolt, the logic, the universality and aposta/o risk. As to understand that the desire of filosofar floodgate and it demands something pparently paradoxical, that is, certain ' ' revolt lgica' '? Revolt yes, because the philosophy while radical, rigorous, critical and universal speech always places in question the knowledge, the instituted values and ideals. For the philosopher many times ' ' it is better to be Scrates discontents of what being a pig satisfeito.' ' (Cf. BADIOU, 1994, P. 36).

The fact is that the philosophy is grumbler with the world as it is. She is grumbler until I obtain same, therefore it has the habit to think against same itself. But this revolt, revolt of the philosophy, is not a revolt without cause, a revolt that only desconstri it denies the instituted one.