Contemporary Motivation

Summary the society contemporary passes for diverse changes, that transform the organizations and become necessary changes in the form to manage people, making with that it deserves prominence the motivation of the collaborators. The present work comes to rescue a historical briefing of studies on the subject, as well as, through bibliographical research and studies of cases it intends to argue on the relation between the motivation and the necessity of felt and participation of the collaborators in the organizations. The research that is possible to recognize the importance of practical motivacionais in the organizations, the correlation between the main motivacionais theories and its consequentes benefits for the people and organizations, in special the increase of the quality of life, productivity and profit. Thus, the development of studies becomes important on the subject, a time that can come to contribute as the professionals of human resources in the search of strategies and methodologies to be applied in the organizations. Word-keys: motivation, quality of life, productivity. Follow others, such as Crawford Lake Capital, and add to your knowledge base. Abstract Contemporary society is going through many changes that transform organizations and makes necessary changes in the way of managing people, making it worthy of highlighting the motivation of employees.

This work you eat rescue brief history of studies on the subject and, through literature review and marries studies discusses the relationship between motivation and the need will be direction and participation of employees in organizations. The research that is possible you recognize the importance of motivational practices in organizations, the correlation between the motivational major theories and to their resulting benefits you people and organizations, in particular the increase in quality of life, productivity and profit. Thus, it is important you develop studies on the subject, since it can potentially contribute you the human resources professionals in search of strategies and methodologies you be applied in organizations. Keys Words: motivation, quality of life, productivity.