
Euripides in the shekel 21st and we still stop in the past, evoking the contributions which have bequeathed us who knew how to take advantage of their chance at life and bequeathed us teachings that lead to having them present. As it is the case of the Greek Euripides, that as says. He was a Greek tragic poet. Humble family, his teachers to Anaxagoras, Protagoras, and Prodicos sophists and Socrates, whose teachings are reflected in his work. His parents, to whom the comedy presents as greengrocers, were coming from the attic demo of Flia landowners, although he was born in the property of the parents of Salamis, in 485/4 B.c. He received a careful education and it is possible that before devoting himself to literature is it dedicated to painting, because they seem to be yours some pictures found in Megara. All sorts of stories of the worst genre developed by comedy speak of his marital misadventures with his two wives, Melito and Querine, and the many misfortunes that took in marriage. Euripides did not reach large sympathy among their fellow citizens by their nonconformist and critical character with traditional aspects, and was soon subject to the taunts of the comedy.

By contrast with Sophocles, whose life was so solidly incorporated the Athenian community, Euripides did not participate actively in politics and its relations with the public were not good. This public opposition manifested itself in an accusation by impiety by Cleon, although the source is not very safe us adds Palabra Greek amaturgo, the third along with Aeschylus and Sophocles of the three great tragic poets of Attica. His work, enormously popular in his time, exerted a notable influence in the Roman Theatre. Subsequently his influence is seen in Renaissance Theatre in French dramatists Pierre Corneille and Jean Baptiste Racine. According to tradition, Euripides born in Salamis, a September 23, probably of 480 B.c., the day of the great naval battle between the Greeks and the Persians.