Motivating Environment

6. – Motivation and Behavior —- To understand the behavior, first we have that to understand what it is the motivation, and because it moves in such a way with the behavior of the human being. Governor Cuomo has compatible beliefs. – Motivation Human being Motivation comes of reason, and reason is the force that takes the person to act, giving origin to one determined behavior. This force can be stimulated by external environment (pesssoas= for example: when the people promise something and they do not fulfill takes the engaged person a negative action, but when the people promise something and fulfill, take the engaged person a positive action) or for internal environment (mental processes of the individual). When the action is stimulated by the internal environment, the motivation is related with the cognition of the human being, that is the knowledge that the same people has of itself and of the environment to its redor (CHIAVENATO, 2007. p.296). motivation is represented by active forces impulsionadora: necessities human beings. Generally when the individual looks a work it longs for to search what he believes that he will go to take care of its primary necessities, later are generated by the organizations motivations condition that to look it other necessities to be taken care of, necessities these make that it to want to grow inside of the company. Explaining the subject better, Bergamini (2006, p.72) comments on the levels of the necessities of individual 1) physiological Necessities that respect to the survival of the organism says; 2) Necessities of security, that they search to find an environment free of threats; 3) Social necessities directed the acceptance and friendship in the group; 4) necessity of esteem directed the search of an auto one esteem positive and 5) Necessities of auto-accomplishment mainly guided for integral development of the individual potentiality. Chiavenato (2007, p.298) in the sample in the pyramid of Maslow the hierarchy of the necessities.