Introduction: The increase of the longevity in Brazil brings obtains innumerable benesses, however the risk of physical, social and mental problems, in this case in special, the depression. Objective: The objective of this study were to identify to the prevalence and causes (or factors of risk) for depression in aged and raising the possible interventions to multidiscipline to be adopted in aged that already they are gotten depressed. Method: The adopted methodology was the revision of descriptive literature of materials published in last the 10 years on the thematic one. Results: the results had evidenced that the prevalence of depression in aged is high, that the risk factors are multiple, including physical and financial lack of leisure, solitude, limitations. The interventions most traditional are the medicamentosas, followed of the psycotherapy, alternative therapies (or complementary) and of the interpersonal relationship. Conclusions: pontua that the depression is a serious mental disease at any point of the vital cycle, in special in the oldness. The causal factors of risk or are multiple and vary each aged one in accordance with.
Finally, the medicamentoso treatment is extremely important for specific cases, however it fits to the team to multidiscipline in health to use of other resources to take care of of aged with depression, improving its quality of life and preventing returns. Word-key: Health of the Aged one. Depression. Team to multidiscipline of health