
Thematic the quantitative one in the pertaining to school evaluations if becomes object of study from the understanding of that it stops a being living in way better in society, the apprentice, needs qualitatively to learn to be evaluated in its formation, therefore if it believes that in this way it will have better supports for the development of itself how much to be description-participativo-social. Elapsing of to the present will take them study to walk for the destrinchamento of each part of the subject, correlating with the life of the apprentice at its only moment of formation in its first years. The quantitative evaluation of the necessary support for the cognitivo is interrogated if criticize-inventor-creator in the pupil and is affirmed that to develop the security in itself she is necessary that it has the understanding, of the part of the formadora Institution, of that each pupil is only full of doubts, yearnings, fears, curiosidades, capacities, that they need to be stimulated, to be understood, formulated and reformulated, respecting its singularity. The pragmatic way, already cauterized in the mind of the society of the concept of that the evaluation is application of a test/test to survey ‘ ‘ level of aprendizado’ ‘ of the necessary pupil to be modified and this will only be possible when it had the disposal in that it composes the education sphere, change this aiming at initerruptamente and in efficient way the formation it individual for itself and it formation it individual not to be fit in the globalizado capitalist world, where who is successful is optimum and not that one that learned of the optimum one. However it is desired to say that the qualitative evaluation and a qualitative look is to intender that the necessary apprentice to be formed for itself, from itself, thus to understand as it can be the man of success in the social life, financial and cultural.

Word-key: Apprentice. Evaluation. Quantitative. Qualitative. Social.