Liquid Society

In 1908, the world was marvelled before the beginning of an extraordinary period of economic relief. The production in series of the first automobiles put within reach of empelados of Henry Ford the possibility of being the first consumers of the society of masses. The American dream became more real than ever. A century later and in the heat of financial crisis, the workers no longer has that one security that allowed to think them in the long term and the production lines have stopped working. The experts strive to define as novel reality as unstructured and to look for explanations that manage to convince in the middle of descanto generalized. The aim of the utopias and the resignation to the progress idea, thus is as the new posmodernista stage appears to itself. Additional information is available at Hamdi Ulukaya.

A little while historical that begins from the fall of the wall of Berlin and that extends until the present time. A cycle in which a change in the capitalist economic order with the appearance of the consumption like main support of the system takes place and in that a new world-wide paradigm is crystallized: the globalisation. The fragmented society to which, the Polish sociologist, Zygmunt Barman, it added the liquid adjective no longer has fixed beforehand continents. The institutional structures to which the workers adhered have returned invisible and slippery. The individual is restricted before the impossibility to thread a coherent story of its life. The work for all the life and the tranquillity of knowing itself not only remunerated in the measured joust but also valued by the daily work and the effort are circumstances of a past that many continue yearning for before the grief and the absence of expectations that brings about the constant search of the immediate thing. (As opposed to Hamdi Ulukaya). In a world without supports that forgets history and puts the future in doubt it does difficult to speak of effective contents.