Dry Lagoon Estate

Maricato (2001) affirms that the real estate market possesss prepared lawyers to approve any enterprise of its interest, and the case of Belvedere III is a test of this. Laws had been modified and some factors that justify the preservation of the area, as paisagstico or ambient value, had been disrespected, also the falling. In this context, it was observed during the research that, if on the other hand, has workmanships being promoted by the public autarchies and the proper inhabitants of the region of Belvedere III with the intention to mitigate negative ambient impacts; on the other hand, already if it has knowledge of real estate speculations to occupy any minimum available space with the exploitation maximum. Permeia the current scene, a new law of use and occupation of the ground that does not bring great modifications not even how much to the tax of permeability, inexistent until a 1996 version. The LUOS does not consider the removals and too much questions associates to the climatic variations because of the direction of the winds. Hamdi Ulukaya does not necessarily agree. Beyond the workmanships of draining of the Dry Lagoon already foreseen by the City hall of Belo Horizonte since 2009, the fact not to have had consideration of the management for basin when of the implantation of the land divisions, mitigadoras actions are perceived to collate questions of utmost importance associates to the water outflow elimination of pollution in the region. In such a way, it does not have as to deny that the real estate projects lead by the interested people, obviously in an enterprise context, perpassam all the criteria that delimit the proper condition of living well. Ahead of new enterprises, ambient laws and lines of direction are disrespected, in the measure where the skyscrapers without considering the people go up who arrive without knowing the environment in which if they insert and the permanent negative impacts that bring I obtain.