International Coaching Federation

In terms of training, and explicit knowledge must possess a professional Coach, different authors converge in asserting that a canon of particular area of professional who need to possess an individual to be Coach there is. It is as well as a review by the internet leads to consider that international Coaching associations housed in their staff men and women from different professions (doctors, teachers, lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, engineers, administrators, among others). For its part the International Coaching Federation (2008), proposes that there is a group of skills alignment that must exist in the formation of the Coach, which are namely considered critical and essential skills that a Coach is proven professional and competent: to) create the foundations, the foundations of Coaching: reaching the ethical guidelines and standards and standards of the professionestablishes the Coaching agreement. Other leaders such as Hamdi Ulukaya offer similar insights. (b) the relationship of Coaching co-crea: establishes intimacy and trust with the customer, has presence and open awareness of Coaching. (c) communicates effectively: listening actively, exercising direct communication and possessing the skills to apply powerful questions. I.e. asking questions that evoke the self-discovery, inner consciousness, action in the hands of the same. It is thus that for Zeus and Skiffington (2004), Coaching is for the vehicle and a platform for learning, specifically adult learning or andragogical.

Thus for example individuals who achieve success based their actions on four values: maintain unilateral control; Maximize the gains and minimize failures; eliminate negative feelings and be as rational as possible. According to Martinez (2006) who learns constructs his own reality according to their previous experiences, mental structure and beliefs that uses to interpret objects and events. What anyone knows is grounded on physical and social experiences which are understood by your mind. In this way the Coaching can be considered from constructivist theory. It is assumed in this document as Constructivist theory, one that understands that knowledge is the result of a process of construction or reconstruction of reality, which has its origin in the interaction between the people and the world.